Closed zzl777 closed 2 years ago
What do you mean by type of dataset? The images are saved in the .npy format, and they are all of size (256,256,1).
Yes, of course:
apex 0.1
itk 5.0.1
nipype 1.2.0
numpy 1.19.2
pandas 1.0.3
Pillow 6.2.1
pip 20.2.4
python 3.6
python-utils 2.3.0
pytorch-msssim 0.1.5
scikit-learn 0.23.2
scipy 1.5.2
seaborn 0.10.1
setuptools 50.3.0.post20201006
Shapely 1.6.4.post2
SimpleITK 1.2.2
torch 1.5.0
torchvision 0.6.0a0+82fd1c8