JulianBirch / cljs-ajax

simple asynchronous Ajax client for ClojureScript and Clojure
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qualified keywords not showing in :post request that are showing in cljs-ajax = #260

Open zendevil opened 3 years ago

zendevil commented 3 years ago

I’m sending a post request with qualified keywords like so:

:http-xhrio {:method :post
   :uri "/the-uri"
   :params {:user/foo 1 :user/bar 1}
   :on-success [:foo]
   :on-failure [:bar]
   :response-format (edn/edn-response-format)
   :format (edn/edn-request-format)

And also using cljs-ajax library purely:

(ajax-request {:uri "/the-uri" :method :post :params {:user/foo 2 :user/bar 2} :handler (fn [res] (prn res)) :format (edn/edn-request-format) :response-format (edn/edn-response-format)})
In the former case, the incoming :params in the server aren’t namespace qualified, i.e., `{:foo 1 :bar 2}`, whereas in the latter case they are, i.e., {:user/foo 1 :user/bar 2}. 

Is this a bug in the re-frame-http-fx library?