JulianEberius / SublimePythonIDE

ST3 only: A rewrite of SublimeRope for ST3, uses the Rope library to add python completions and refactoring to ST3
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False reporting of E126 when tabs are used as indentation. #56

Closed vruyr closed 9 years ago

vruyr commented 10 years ago


I use tabs in my projects to indent and pep8 linting in SublimePythonIDE reports E126 (over-indented for hanging indent) failing to recognize the tab. To check if that is the case I converted one of the files from tabs to spaces with same indentations and the error message was gone.

The problem seems to be in /lib/pep8.py:expand_indent(line) – it assumes that tab equivalent of 8 spaces and hence thinks that I over-indented the code.

A couple of very dirty and hacky solutions that I can think of is – adding a configuration setting for that assumed 8 or maybe getting the tab size from sublime.


JulianEberius commented 10 years ago


This seems to be a pep8 issue, not an SublimePythonIDE issue. I do not want to hack on pep8.py itself. Personally, I would recommend to use spaces for indentation, as this is exactly what pep8 recommends to do (http://legacy.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/). In my opinion, it does not make much sense to use pep8.py for linting if you do not adhere to pep8.


vruyr commented 10 years ago

I only partially follow pep8, you see I'm on the "tabs" side of "spaces vs tabs" holy war. I think that spaces are there for indentation just because of people using bad code editors. Anyway, following pep8 partially is still useful for me and I disable checks that I don't agree with.

Thanks anyway.