JulianHayward / Azure-MG-Sub-Governance-Reporting

Azure Governance Visualizer aka AzGovViz is a PowerShell script that captures Azure Governance related information such as Azure Policy, RBAC (a lot more) by polling Azure ARM, Storage and Microsoft Graph APIs.
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Manual private link service connections - unexpected value in property 'privateLinkServiceId' #150

Closed jsandquist closed 1 year ago

jsandquist commented 1 year ago

Hi, I've stumbled upon some more variations around manual private link service connections, after support was initially added a few days back in

Changes (2022-Nov-28 / Major)

  • Network analysis - fix Private Endpoints feature
    • Handle manual manualPrivateLinkServiceConnections

Added some debug output and found an unexpected value in the privateLinkServiceId property as it does not contain the expected '/' used for splitting it up - thus causing an exception at L59

Debug output as follows:

Processing Private Endpoints enrichment (7 Private Endpoints)

==> subscriptionId: (4d7d8a5c-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx) ==> resourceGroup: (rg-xxxxxxxxxxx) ==> peConnectionType: (manual) ==> peConnectionState: (Approved) ==> resourceSplit: (s-nzgk0-privatelink-1.006c0d80-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.(region).azure.privatelinkservice)

I suspect it to be a cross-tenant or cross-subscription Private Endpoint but still looking into it. With a little luck I hope to submit a PR after some more testing. We could split on '.' instead of '/' but the second part 006c0d80-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx does not identify a subscription in the tenant I'm testing with so not sure what we want to include in the output.

Any thoughts or feedback is most welcome.

JulianHayward commented 1 year ago

all right, so let´s add some more properties to $script:arrayPrivateEndpointsEnriched

in case you cannot find the subscriptionId ->Lookup: $htSubscriptionsMgPath.($remotesubscriptionId) Then let´s get the remote TenantId (in case of Lighthoused could be multiple)

$uri = "$($azAPICallConf['azAPIEndpointUrls'].ARM)/subscriptions/$($remotesubscriptionId)?api-version=2020-01-01"
$remoteTenantId = AzAPICall -AzAPICallConfiguration $azApiCallConf -uri $uri -listenOn 'content' -currentTask "getTenantId for subscriptionId '$($remotesubscriptionId)'"
jsandquist commented 1 year ago

Closing this as fixed in the recent release from 2022-Dec-04. Great work on this great tool - thanks!