JulianHayward / Azure-MG-Sub-Governance-Reporting

Azure Governance Visualizer aka AzGovViz is a PowerShell script that captures Azure Governance related information such as Azure Policy, RBAC (a lot more) by polling Azure ARM, Storage and Microsoft Graph APIs.
MIT License
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After the New update another issue had come - Could not find a part of the path 'C:\AzGovViz\Azure-MG-Sub-Governance-Reporting-master\pwsh\'. #160

Closed WVDAdminTF closed 1 year ago

WVDAdminTF commented 1 year ago

Please advise

End AzGovViz 04-Jan-2023 08:22:59 Checking for errors Dumping 1 Errors (handled by AzGovViz):

Import-Csv: C:\AzGovViz\Azure-MG-Sub-Governance-Reporting-master\pwsh\AzGovVizParallel.ps1:5337 Line | 5337 | … tPrevious = Import-Csv -LiteralPath "$($outputPath)$($DirectorySepara … | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | Could not find a part of the path 'C:\AzGovViz\Azure-MG-Sub-Governance-Reporting-master\pwsh\'.

AzGovViz completed successful Don't bother about dumped errors


JulianHayward commented 1 year ago

all good :)

AzGovViz completed successful
Don't bother about dumped errors

FYI: This obviously was the first run against ManagementGroupId xyz, next run that file will be there and it will be able to create a resource fluctuation report (compare previous vs current)..

WVDAdminTF commented 1 year ago

Hi Julian,

Thank you for the response, run the 2nd time the script completed with no error. But Now i have 4 Htmls and when i open them they are not showing the information properly, please can you advise on that


Below is the sample image_2023-01-05_114728700

Thank you,

WVDAdminTF commented 1 year ago

I have deleted the entire directory and download fresh ZIP file from the Repo - extract and re-executed twice to have no errors and same results the HTML are opening with this format.

Please can you advice

JulianHayward commented 1 year ago

hmm, can you download the html file to a client that has internet access (css/images stored on a CDN)?

WVDAdminTF commented 1 year ago

Yes, it was the issue of the Client machine not being able to reach the website - https://www.azadvertizer.net/

It is working fine now.

Thank you so much


WVDAdminTF commented 1 year ago

Thank you so much, I will close this Issue case as it is resolved