Global types declaration must be sorted correctly.
Each component must have its own type declaration on top. OK 8d02cc2
No more <any> OK 1e71901. Admin page will be rewrite from scratch later, thus there is no need to correct anything for now. Same goes for useTmdb hook.
[x] Reducers
Specific state export should be removed and use destructuration instead. OK
[x] Fixes
Pages animation on exit aren't triggered. Ok 1d30815
Auhor note is missing on InputStar component props in Presentation.tsx.
Filters states and setters does not match new API behavior. Ok 3f762a7
App must be completely reviewed. Remove unused code
Remove PendingPropositionCheck (use conditionnal render on proposal page instead).OK 8171262refreshToken refactoring.Each component must have its JSDoc.OK d827e9fAdd comments where it's needed (functions, fancy code...).HomeOK 9ffdb5eRegisterOKFilmsOK d080107FilmOK 38643edUserOK 76604b1TeamOK 42662b0ErrorOK 8ad576bProposalOK b2081c5Each component must be exportable and reusable, no direct dispatch or state.StarRating component should be used every time we need to display a note.Will be used for filtering by notation feature.StarRating must be an image or svg not a character.OK f01e20aAll Inputs must be grouped in a lib.OK 1d30815InteractionsOK 5d2a148LastMoviesGridOK 5bccd4eLoaderOK 586ff97ResetScrollOK aeea918AnimationRouterOK b4db593Layout18c13e4MetricsOK 22cf100Modal should be splited from connection moduleOK 42c771eToastsOK c57e32eGlobal types declaration must be sorted correctly.Each component must have its own type declaration on top.OK 8d02cc2No moreOK 1e71901. Admin page will be rewrite from scratch later, thus there is no need to correct anything for now. Same goes for useTmdb hook.<any>
Specific state export should be removed and use destructuration instead.OKPages animation on exit aren't triggered.Ok 1d30815Auhor note is missing on InputStar component props in Presentation.tsx.Filters states and setters does not match new API behavior.Ok 3f762a7Add Reset filters missing feature.OK 4ce08caLast Movie link is broken.OKuseEffect dependencies must be reviewed.RefreshToken issue on films page.A new issue will be open for this one.