Julien-R44 / vite-plugin-validate-env

✅ Vite plugin for validating your environment variables
MIT License
159 stars 6 forks source link

Should error whenever an unvalidated env variable is used #27

Open BrunnerLivio opened 2 months ago

BrunnerLivio commented 2 months ago

I am looking for a way to ONLY allow using env variables that are defined in my env.ts schema.

As an example:


import {defineConfig} from '@julr/vite-plugin-validate-env'
import {z} from 'zod'

export default defineConfig({
  validator: 'zod',
  schema: {
    VITE_LANGUAGE: z.string(),

In the application code, the following should occur (desired behavior)


// ✅ TypeScript: type "string", all good!

// ❌ TypeScript: Key "VITE_WHATEVER" does not exist
BrunnerLivio commented 2 months ago

I am aware this is not directly related to this library but rather to Vite's typing of ImportMetaEnv (see below). Feel free to close if you think this should not be discussed as part of this project. However I think it would be worth adding a documentation entry in this project's README if we'd find a solution for this - hence why I created an issue here.


interface ImportMetaEnv {
  [key: string]: any
  BASE_URL: string
  MODE: string
  DEV: boolean
  PROD: boolean
  SSR: boolean

Vite seems to add [key: string]: any as a default. I wonder whether there is a way we could overwrite that. Since we have to use an interface to augment ImportMetaEnv and to make the module augmentation work I am not too sure how though.

I've already tried the following without avail:


type ImportMetaEnvAugmented =
    typeof import('./src/env').default

interface ImportMetaEnv extends ImportMetaEnvAugmented {
  [key: string]: never