Julienh / Sharrre

Make your sharing widget! Sharrre is a jQuery plugin that allows you to create nice widgets sharing for Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus (with PHP script) and more.
MIT License
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Update Counter Conflicts #284

Open LockeAG opened 8 years ago

LockeAG commented 8 years ago

Hi , Guys , thank you , for continuing the project. It is without a doubt a great piece of code.

One of the main problem is the lack of tracking on Universal Analytics Code. I think updating this is a Must , I just saw that there is a pull request that updates this (https://github.com/Julienh/Sharrre/pull/248) , I test out, and it is not working well. I hope this will improve with time.

Second , when I update to version 2.0.0 , all my counters reset. Is there any way to recover the count??

let me show my sample code .:

 * Share Script
 function shareme(shareElement, shareElementMobile) {

    $(shareElement).each(function(i) {
            share: {
                facebook: true,
                twitter: true,
                pinterest: true,
                linkedin: true,
                tumblr: true,
            template: '<ul class="box"><li> <h2>{total}<small>Compartido</small> </h2> </li><li id="facebook"><i class="fa fa-facebook"></i></li><li id="twitter"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></li><li id="googleplus"><i class="fa fa-google-plus"></i></li><li id="linkedin"><i class="fa fa-linkedin"></i></li><li id="pinterest"><i class="fa fa-pinterest"></i></li><li id="tumblr"><i class="fa fa-tumblr"></i></li></ul></li></ul>',
            enableHover: false,
            enableTracking: false,
            buttons: {
                googlePlus: {},
                facebook: {
                    layout: 'button',
                    send: true
                twitter: {
                    via: 'LockeAG',
                linkedin: {},
                pinterest: {}
            url: 'http://code.google.com',
            render: function(api, options) {
                $(api.element).on('click', '#twitter', function() {
                    return false;

                $(api.element).on('click', '#facebook', function() {
                    return false;

                $(api.element).on('click', '#googleplus', function() {
                    return false;


                $(api.element).on('click', '#pinterest', function() {
                    return false;


                $(api.element).on('click', '#linkedin', function() {
                    return false;

                $(api.element).on('click', '#tumblr', function() {
                    return false;



    $(shareElementMobile).each(function(i) {
        var lnk = $(this).attr('data-url'),
        txt = $(this).attr('data-text'),
        resTxt = encodeURIComponent(txt),
        resLnk = encodeURIComponent(lnk);

            share: {
                facebook: true,
                twitter: true,
                linkedin: true
            template: '<ul class="box"> <li> <h2>{total}<small>Compartido</small> </h2> </li><li id="facebook"><i class="fa fa-facebook"></i></li><li id="twitter"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></li><li id="linkedin"><i class="fa fa-linkedin"></i></li><li id="whatsapp"><a href="whatsapp://send?text=' + resTxt + ' ' + resLnk + '" data-action="share/whatsapp/share"><i class="fa fa-whatsapp"></i></a></li></ul>',
            enableHover: false,
            enableTracking: false,
            buttons: {
                facebook: {
                    layout: 'button',
                    send: true
                twitter: {},
                linkedin: {}
            render: function(api, options) {

                $(api.element).on('click', '#twitter', function() {
                    return false;

                $(api.element).on('click', '#facebook', function() {
                    return false;

                $(api.element).on('click', '#linkedin', function() {
                    return false;

                $(api.element).on('click', '#whatsapp', function() {
                    return false;



Thank you!

smeeckaert commented 8 years ago

I'll look into it today, you shouldn't lose counts.

LockeAG commented 8 years ago

Thank you! ,

Is there any co-relation between wildcards and the counter? ,what I mean is that www.domain.com can be affected if you change it to http://domain.com.

thank you

smeeckaert commented 8 years ago

Yes, the way most API works relies completely on your domain, even if you went from http to https you can lose counts. The best way to avoid this problem is to set a standard url in the url parameter of Sharrre.