Julow / Unexpected-Keyboard

A lightweight virtual keyboard for developers.
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.25k stars 168 forks source link

Why two rows of bottom row? #637

Closed AnabasisXu closed 1 month ago

AnabasisXu commented 1 month ago

My layout looks fine on https://unexpected-keyboard-layout-editor.lixquid.com/

When imported, there are two bottom rows, and the second one is the original one.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<keyboard name="My-QWERTY" script="latin">
<key key0="q" key2="1" key4="esc"/>
<key key0="w" key1="~" key2="2" key3="\@"/>
<key key0="e" key1="!" key2="3" key3="\#"/>
<key key0="r" key2="4" key3="$"/>
<key key0="t" key2="5" key3="%"/>
<key key0="y" key2="6" key3="^"/>
<key key0="u" key2="7" key3="&amp;"/>
<key key0="i" key2="8" key3="*"/>
<key key0="o" key2="9" key3="(" key4=")"/>
<key key0="p" key2="0"/>
<key shift="0.5" key0="a" key1="tab" key2="`"/>
<key key0="s"/>
<key key0="d"/>
<key key0="f"/>
<key key0="g" key2="-" key3="_"/>
<key key0="h" key2="=" key3="+"/>
<key key0="j" key3="{" key4="}"/>
<key key0="k" key3="[" key4="]"/>
<key key0="l" key2="|" key3="\\"/>
<key width="1.5" key0="shift" key2="loc capslock"/>
<key key0="z"/>
<key key0="x"/>
<key key0="c" key1="&lt;" key3="."/>
<key key0="v" key2="&gt;" key3=","/>
<key key0="b" key2="\?" key3="/"/>
<key key0="n" key2=":" key3=";"/>
<key key0="m" key2="&quot;" key3="'"/>
<key width="1.5" key0="backspace" key2="delete"/>
<row height="0.95">
<key width="1.7" key0="ctrl" key4="switch_numeric"/>
<key width="1.1" key0="alt" key1="loc fn" key2="loc change_method" key4="config"/>
<key width="3.4" key0="space" key7="switch_forward" key8="switch_backward" key5="cursor_left" key6="cursor_right" slider="true"/>
<key width="2.1" key0="loc compose" key7="up" key6="right" key5="left" key8="down" key1="loc home" key2="loc page_up" key3="loc end" key4="loc page_down"/>
<key width="1.7" key0="enter" key2="action"/>


Spike-from-NH commented 1 month ago

Your custom layout needs <keyboard name="..." bottom_row="false"> to disable the stock bottom row.

AnabasisXu commented 1 month ago

Your custom layout needs <keyboard name="..." bottom_row="false"> to disable the stock bottom row.

Thank you so much! It worked!

Spike-from-NH commented 1 month ago

Glad to hear that it worked!