Julow / Unexpected-Keyboard

A lightweight virtual keyboard for developers.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[FR] Keyboard (switch) key on NumPad #639

Closed ManDay closed 1 month ago

ManDay commented 1 month ago

It would be nice if the NumPad could also get a "switch keyboard" key, like the Fn key on the normal mode. Then we could use the NumPad as auxilliary keyboard (I suppose that's what the "switch (back to last) keyboard" key is meant to help with) more easily!

In my particular case I'm using https://github.com/8VIM/8VIM which has a ingenious input method for anything which is not on a typical NumPad, but needs to fall back to other IMEs for things like numerals and emojis.

Julow commented 1 month ago

Your usecase is quite unique so I think you might want to make a custom layout. You can try to use this web editor for layouts: https://unexpected-keyboard-layout-editor.lixquid.com/

ManDay commented 1 month ago

Hi, thanks. I already read about the custom layouts but I think that they only apply to the main keyboard, while the NumPad layout is hardcoded. Otherwise I wouldn't have opened the FR.

I agree that the use-case is very particular. But I imagine you had this exact usecase in mind when you created the "Switch back to previous keyboard" option - just not for the NumPad.

Julow commented 1 month ago

I'm afraid that the numpad will not be a good fit as you will not be able to change it further. It also looks annoying to not have the numpad appear first when you switch to this keyboard. I'm not against adding the switching key to it but here what I suggest instead:

Make a custom layout that looks like a numpad that you can freely change to fit your use case. Add a regular keyboard as well, you can switch between your layouts by swiping up on the space bar. This way, the last used layout will appear when you switch to the keyboard (eg. your numpad looking layout will appear immediately when you switch from 8VIM).

ManDay commented 1 month ago

I'm surprised you're so reluctant to add that key to the Numpad, but your solution is perfect, too. It's even easier on the 8VIM side of things, because it allows us to drop directly into U.K. without specifically choosing numeric mode. Thanks for the help and the great keyboard!