Julow / Unexpected-Keyboard

A lightweight virtual keyboard for developers.
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.25k stars 168 forks source link

Will text expansion ever be implemented (automatic snippet replacement) #657

Open Validbit opened 2 weeks ago

Validbit commented 2 weeks ago

This should serve as a topic/roadmap about text expansion that was likely discussed before but seems not well searchable in Issues/Readme/Help.

With modmaps working (#655) it may no longer be necessary, but still may be a better option if it could be implemented lightweight.

Import/use of AHK expansion (format) would also make this very useful (Personally I could then use syncthing to make slight adjustments on a computer that work everywhere)


483 (small thread)

68 + #173 (emojis/icons could be typed with custom/included/apk dict; e.g. how is common for messaging apps

349 (discussion & progress on my previous example use/implementation) >text expansion triggered by special character




There are few reliable solutions out there, but seem to be unneccesarily heavy (or seem to drain battery as accessibility service + for ultra saving modes might get turned off)

I personally depend on text expansion as my only viable current alternative is to have dedicated custom keys but they take up space that I use for things like node-based task management (dynalist - one of my main uses) (now can be partially solved w/ modmaps)__

(edit: added more related & progress)