Julusian / node-elgato-stream-deck

A Node.js library for interfacing with the Elgato Stream Deck. https://julusian.github.io/node-elgato-stream-deck/
MIT License
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New serial number format with 2 additional characters #76

Closed uffefrostbox closed 2 months ago

uffefrostbox commented 7 months ago

I came across a stream deck xl 20GAT9902 with serial A00NA32531SFWL which is 14 characters instead of the normal 12 characters.

I think getSerialNumber() in for example "packages/core/src/models/base-gen2.ts" only allows for the old 12 character types?

Thanks for your great work!

Bildschirmfoto 2023-11-30 um 10 57 43
Julusian commented 2 months ago

This is supported in v6.2.0

It turns out that in I think the XL, they started including the length of the serialnumber as part of the message. This library is now respecting that value