JulyIghor / QtBitcoinTrader

Secure multi crypto exchange trading client
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HITBTC api key problem #267

Closed piotrwieland2012 closed 3 years ago

piotrwieland2012 commented 3 years ago

application cannot accept hitbtc API key , other markets working

JulyIghor commented 3 years ago

Can you please send me example of your API key? replace it by random symbols, but same length, case and digits placement

piotrwieland2012 commented 3 years ago

key:3bVYA6A8TuhBQT0H9GbJu_OV0vrFqg9O sec:3b1eac34-c8af-4d41-915b-61d7e4803cfa

JulyIghor commented 3 years ago

key:3bVYA6A8TuhBQT0H9GbJu_OV0vrFqg9O sec:3b1eac34-c8af-4d41-915b-61d7e4803cfa

just to be sure, are you entering '3bVYA6A8TuhBQT0H9GbJu_OV0vrFqg9O', not 'key:3bVYA6A8TuhBQT0H9GbJu_OV0vrFqg9O' right?

piotrwieland2012 commented 3 years ago

100% correct entering keys without "key:" and "sec:"

piotrwieland2012 commented 3 years ago

this is a debug mesage from program

2020-09-11 20:44:25 LVL:0 SND: GET /api/2/trading/fee/BTCUSD HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: Qt Bitcoin Trader v1.40.52 Host: api.hitbtc.com Accept: / Accept-Encoding: gzip Connection: keep-alive Authorization: Basic VGRFN01rZzdpMVp4NzFXTkJRcWZRaFA1Z3NmcktpUjc6c1ZRWm9iM1o3b3NhV09XWEcwTDUzMXU0T040b2tFYg==

2020-09-11 20:44:25 LVL:0 HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized Server: nginx Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2020 18:44:25 GMT Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 73 Connection: keep-alive

{"error":{"code":1002,"message":"Authorization failed","description":""}}

JulyIghor commented 3 years ago

Thanks, are you sure you give trade rights to those keys?

piotrwieland2012 commented 3 years ago

yes look at attachment "zenbot" work corectly on the same setups (not the same keys) :-)

piotrwieland2012 commented 3 years ago


piotrwieland2012 commented 3 years ago

if i try authorize via , "curl" no problem , and POSTMAN , and binance market works correctly

piotrwieland2012 commented 3 years ago

curl auth https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KCZIJxqoUJpum91IndvrPmA93DQIDn7x/view?usp=sharing

JulyIghor commented 3 years ago

looks like they changed api key format, thanks, it will be fixed in upcoming update

piotrwieland2012 commented 3 years ago

thank you for your hard work , great application :-)