Closed pentium10 closed 11 years ago
Orders cannot be canceled immedintly. So you mast create rules:
You can update to lastest beta version v1.07.05. Link to update in bitcointalk forum.
What if on the rule screen, we make a checkbox that states: Cancel all open orders when doing this. Than when the rule gets executed, it will cancel all orders, and wait for them to be cancelled, than it will create the rule order. Do you see this working for you?
(these rules are usually for the situation when the price drops suddenly too much, and you must cancel all open orders and place a sell order to avoid loss, but I couldn't use your app do to something like that for me.
I will test this situation and make it stable. Please wait next version update.
v1.07.56 beta. Now in sequential mode rule "Cancel All Orders" will wait until table is empty to execute next rule.
I have some active open orders. I create two rules
Since mtGox removes any order if my balance doesn't allow, that's why I created the first order, to cancel my previous orders. Than the second should be placed and executed.
This happened me multiple times in the past days, just now I can report it. It still happens in version 1.07.01
What I see is that both lines in rules are marked DONE, but there is no order placed. In some rare occasions even the active open orders were NOT cancelled.