Adjusting filter button to be responsive to variety of mobile devices
After (mobile):
After (desktop):
Reflection: I appreciate the straightforward ticket, I was a little confused at times trying to match the design with little information about the mobile look for the calendar page, and concerned that many things in the code was hardcoded by pixel values rather than leveraging relative percentages, etc. I tried to make the filter button be more within the frame, and it is in no way perfect, but I wanted to ensure I didn't do too much because other groups will most likely adjust as they go, hopefully using percentage values and breakpoints :)
Developer: Pamela Melgar Dates: 2/12/24 - 2/19/24 Time spent: 1 hour
Adjusting filter button to be responsive to variety of mobile devices
After (mobile):
After (desktop):
Reflection: I appreciate the straightforward ticket, I was a little confused at times trying to match the design with little information about the mobile look for the calendar page, and concerned that many things in the code was hardcoded by pixel values rather than leveraging relative percentages, etc. I tried to make the filter button be more within the frame, and it is in no way perfect, but I wanted to ensure I didn't do too much because other groups will most likely adjust as they go, hopefully using percentage values and breakpoints :)