Send emails to certain employees based on actions performed
[x] Get updated with the codebase
[x] git checkout dev
[x] git pull
[x] THEN create a new branch as per usual
[x] npm install (this updates your dependencies)
[x] npm run dev
[x] Explore the Clerk API for sending emails!
[x] Help Bill wrap his previous ticket. There are some hefty blackened things going on
[x] Get on the same page about how the Shift Table works
[x] Create endpoints for updating an entry in the shift table
[x] update name and status when a shift changes status. Let us know if you want to discuss what this relationship looks like!
[x] ex: Approved -> Open -> Pending
[ ] Along with updating the table entry, create an endpoint to send an email to admin users that the shift's status was updated (and include what the new status is)
[ ] Create a PR for this ticket by 3 PM on Feb 19
[ ] Move this ticket into "Ready for Review"
[ ] Show the emails you've received when shifts have been moved to different statuses
Purpose Send emails to certain employees based on actions performed