There have been a couple of frontend touch-ups that we've been putting off! There are several small things to work on
[x] Get updated with the codebase
[x] git checkout dev
[x] git pull
[x] THEN create a new branch as per usual
[x] npm install (this updates your dependencies)
[x] npm run dev
[x] My Profile page
[x] Swap where the lastName and pronoun fields are (so the top reads last name, first name)
[ ] Employee Profile page
[ ] There are currently 2 "edit" buttons: an "EDIT" and a pencil. We want to get ride of the "EDIT" and just have the pencil icon, but keep the functionality
[ ] Calendar page
[ ] In the "Choose Filters" modal, if you try to type in a name, the modal closes (so you can't type in a name). Can you figure out why this is and update it?
Purpose There have been a couple of frontend touch-ups that we've been putting off! There are several small things to work on
[x] Get updated with the codebase
[x] My Profile page
[ ] Employee Profile page
[ ] Calendar page
[ ] Create a PR for this ticket by 3 PM on Feb 19
[ ] Move this ticket into "Ready for Review"