Jumoo / Jumoo.TranslationManager.Issues

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Images and other pickers not copied to other languages with OpenAi #62

Open FransdeJong opened 1 month ago

FransdeJong commented 1 month ago

It seems MNTP, media and forms pickers aren't copied to other languages when using OpenAi and translationmanager. This only isn't working when the pickers are present directly on a node. When a picker is used in block items is seems to work without issues.

Is this a setting I missed or is this a bug?

KevinJump commented 1 month ago


It's not so much a bug as a bit of a 'feature' of how content is managed and stored in umbraco.

At the property level Translation Manager will not copy media pickers, mntp values between languages, if you are using variants then you should consider if these values need to vary by content and if they do if you need to use fallback values in your templates

(so either everything is the same, don't vary it by language, or its mainly the same but sometimes diffrent, then vary by culture but use the fallback.tolanguage setting so the default is to get the main seeting unless you change it.

if you are not using variants (e.g a tree for each culture in your site) its a little diffrent, as translation manager does a thing where it will resolve links, so the "home -> about us" link in english will be mapped to the language (e.g Startseite -> über uns in the german tree).

The reason these values are copied in blocks? blocks don't have property level variance in Umbraco (yet) , they are basically one big blob of JSON - and we have to copy the whole property between languages, when we do that, we have to copy the source properties that are non-translatable (e.g pickers, etc).

FransdeJong commented 1 month ago

@KevinJump All is clear. I think I remembered the behaviour from a non variant implementation then. I'll build in fallbacks. Thanks for the clarification!

FransdeJong commented 1 month ago

This issue can be closed since it's as designed

FransdeJong commented 1 month ago

@KevinJump It seems that true false toggles are not copied as well? We use them for example for umbracoNaviHide.

Is this a feature or a bug?