Jumoo / uSync.Complete.Issues

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Read License information from configuration if present. #145

Closed KevinJump closed 2 years ago

KevinJump commented 2 years ago

Currently licence information is read from the licence file in /umbraco/licenses - this does mean your licence will need to be stored on your site (or you would have to do some complicated replacement stuff on deployment).

the request to make it possible to store in the DB is in this issue: https://github.com/KevinJump/uSync/issues/315

As a solution - when reading the licence information - we will first look in the config.

"uSync" : {
  "Complete": {
      "License": {
        "Key": "LICENSE-KEY",
        "Domains": "LICENSE-DOMAIN"

by doing this the values can be stored in any of the configuration sources configured for a site (e.g appsettings.json, environmental variables, azure key vault etc).

KevinJump commented 2 years ago

code ready + tested