Jumoo / uSync.Complete.Issues

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Feature: SiteSeed 🌱 #173

Closed KevinJump closed 2 years ago

KevinJump commented 2 years ago

At the moment you can seed a new install with the usync-servers.json file, but its a bit cumbersome and a one time thing.

this feature will add a new setting "MasterUrl" which you can then point to a server and when uSync starts up it will pull the server settings from that server :

  "uSync": {
    "Publisher": {
      "Settings": {
        "MasterUrl": "https://localhost:43123/umbraco", 
        "IncomingEnabled": true,
        "AppId": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",

Site Seed Docs : https://docs.jumoo.co.uk/usync/complete/publisher/siteseed