Jumoo / uSync.Complete.Issues

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Deleted content and new content under same name/url doesn't get synced correctly #217

Open Nuklon opened 7 months ago

Nuklon commented 7 months ago

Describe the bug See reproduction steps.

Version (please complete the following information):

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Have some content node named Test with a document type TestDoc (or something else). Make sure it exists locally and on destination server.
  2. Delete Test locally.
  3. Create a new content node named Test locally (so the url stays the same, e.g., /test/) with a different document type.
  4. Sync the Content node to destination server (... > Publish to ... > server). Use these settings: image
  5. On destination server, Test isn't removed and instead a new node is created named Test (1).