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Queue multiple items for publishing #49

Open benjaminc opened 4 years ago

benjaminc commented 4 years ago

Right now if I want to transfer 15-20 individual pages on a site through Publisher, I have to right-click on each one and go through the entire publishing process and wizard. This can not only add time to the process, but if the content on the pages are related, or if there are significantly more than 15-20 pages, it can greatly increase the amount of time between when some content shows up and when others does. Additionally, if changes are happening across multiple days, but a push to production is desired at a single point in time, an external system is needed for tracking what has changed and what is ready for publishing.

What I would propose is adding a persistent queue. Adding items to the queue should be able to be a different permission than actually publishing the changes. While it doesn't have to be configured as different by default, this would enable a workflow where entry-level content editors can make changes, and queue items for transfer. A more senior content editor can see the pending queue, which should have links to the changed pages so they can go see what was changed, and then be able to push those changes into production.

Editors should be able to add items to the queue in two ways. First, through the right-click menu, add a Queue for Publish option that adds to the queue. They can choose if they want children, ancestors, and dependencies included. Similarly, on the queue page itself, have an option to add items in bulk, similar to when adding to an export pack via the Exporter back-office.

Publishers from the queue should be able to select a sub-set of what was queued, or the entire queue, and publish it. They should have the option of whether or not to remove it from the queue on a successful publish, in case they want to publish to multiple locations.

Configuration changes would just be adding the Add to Queue permission that can be configured the same way the publish permission is configured now.