Jumoo / uSync.Complete.Issues

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Large transfers via Exporter #51

Closed benjaminc closed 3 years ago

benjaminc commented 4 years ago

Exporter right now constructs a sync pack, and downloads it as a single file. If there is a lot of content being synced, this can timeout while trying to generate and download the file. Additionally, the file size might exceed the upload ability of a destination system, or might suffer from similar timeout issues there.

If the export process ran in the background, and the UI just regularly checked on the status, and then presented a download link(s) at the end, that would solve the source system issues.

If the upload page didn't try to do a single form submit, but used some JavaScript trickery to break the file into manageable chunks and upload them in pieces, and then reassemble them on the destination, and then trigger a background import that it checked on the status of, that would solve the timeout issues on the destination system. One example of this, although certainly not the only or even the best solution, can be seen at https://deliciousbrains.com/using-javascript-file-api-to-avoid-file-upload-limits/