Jumoo / uSyncMigrations

Rough and ready migration code.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Umbraco 13 and uSyncMigrations #265

Open filefontaine opened 3 months ago

filefontaine commented 3 months ago

Hello, i want to know if this package will be updated to U13. Or if the best approach is to do U8 to U10 to U13 ? Best, Antoine

KevinJump commented 3 months ago


It should run on v13, (but i haven't tested it in a while)

there is no real differences in format between v10 and v13, so you should be be able to go v8 to v13.

madsoulswe commented 2 months ago

Migrated a smaler site v7 -> 13 and everything was smooth no issues!

thomashdk commented 1 month ago

Migrated a smaler site v7 -> 13 and everything was smooth no issues!

Hi I'm trying to convert Nested content in a Umbraco 13. All datatype convertet, but it hasn't convertet the content.

It shows it has convertet it, but it's not.

Is that something you expericented ?

I can see in the migration file the content look correct ? https://github.com/Jumoo/uSyncMigrations/issues/269