Jumper251 / AdvancedReplay

Minecraft plugin to record players on your server
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Entity Metadata #174

Open PedroMPagani opened 1 month ago

PedroMPagani commented 1 month ago

Currently My solution is to serialize the packet, a single-hand solution for 1.20.6+ is that, otherwise i think it becomes extremely hard to "maintain", unfortunately the background is a friendly bytebuf wrapping, it's not serializable, any ideas?

Jumper251 commented 1 month ago

Is you goal to record all entity metadata or something specific?

PedroMPagani commented 1 month ago

Well, the main idea is to have End crystals be able to report he setBottom to false, but you know, that's one state, there's a lot of stuff on the metadata that would be very useful to sync on replays of entities you know?

PedroMPagani commented 1 month ago

This is what I got to hae the metadata fully there: import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled; import me.jumper251.replay.replaysystem.replaying.Replayer; import net.minecraft.network.RegistryFriendlyByteBuf; import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R4.CraftWorld;

public class EntityMetaData extends PacketData {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 2305534557075148314L;

private byte[] serializedPacket;
private int entityID;
private String world;

public EntityMetaData(int entityID, RegistryFriendlyByteBuf serializedPacket, String world) {
    this.entityID = entityID;
    this.serializedPacket = serializedPacket.array();
    this.world = world;

public int getEntityID() {
    return entityID;

public RegistryFriendlyByteBuf getSerializedPacket(Replayer replayer) {
    return new RegistryFriendlyByteBuf(Unpooled.copiedBuffer(this.serializedPacket), ((CraftWorld)replayer.getWatchingPlayer().getWorld()).getHandle().registryAccess());


PedroMPagani commented 1 month ago

I gave some thought, some abstraction on the metadata sounds nice.

Jumper251 commented 1 month ago

Yeah it would be good to have some control over what kind of metadata we record, I guess there is also some unnecessary data in there. It would also make it less likely for replays to break in between minecraft versions.

PedroMPagani commented 1 month ago

Yeah, some level of abstraction and likely a PRotocol id on the replayer file, so that everything can be handled properly would be nice, certain entiteis have certain data so I assume something like a wrapper of global with submeta components and they write by their own, serialized on a list the metadata doesnt hold a lot of crap data from what I know, im really serializing the entire packet and the metadata isn't even close to being big