Open Jun-How opened 1 year ago
We specifically chose not to perform validation on source, beyond ensuring it is non-empty. For instance, there might be a rock band literally calling themselves “&”. (This is not unimaginable, since for example Ed Sheeran has albums named "÷” and “=”.)
Team chose [response.Rejected
Reason for disagreement: Thank you for your response. I understand and am aware that Ed Sheeran has albums named after symbols purely. However, this is completely different from sources in your application, which I understand refer to companies or websites. I have tried googling and consulting ChatGPT on potential sources with purely a symbol "&", for example, in the name, but to no avail. Therefore, I reckon that such a case is extremely unlikely. It is true though that sources may have symbols like "&" in their name, for instance "Ben & Jerry's", but I was referring to just the symbol by itself. Hence, the application could account for the cases of pure symbols such as "&" or "^" which are very unlikely to be sources.
Client's source information is allowed to be just a special character, in this example a "&" symbol, which does not really make much sense.