Junghyun-Anna-Park / when-emotions-become-form

When Emotions Become Form (Human Emotion – Color and Plain Geometry Condition – Machine Learning Processes – Formation)
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being a mismatched bunch of stuff now #1

Open Junghyun-Anna-Park opened 4 years ago

Junghyun-Anna-Park commented 4 years ago

I am ANA PARK, and I consider myself an artist and a scientist. I think I'm just starting to own kind of being a mismatched bunch of stuff now. I wish I could say that I had a grand master plan for what I was going to do with my career. Recently it just so happens that I sort of fell into data science - forecasting specially. I think some approaches related to time series are more interesting and probably more real, in a way.

I think not really ever having a home base has been incredibly good for me, because as a researcher, I don't stay anywhere to study. I am able to explore different fields, wherever my curiosities live. That's where I am. And I think when I was younger, I used to really struggle with this sense of identity, and then I sort of realized that that's actually what makes me who I am. It's the fact that I do study mathematics, art theory and management engineering and I can have that sort of understanding of the different academic fields.

I've got one brother, and he will tell you that I am never 'off'. I am literally the Duracell Bunny. I have so much energy. I don't think I ever found a kid that could kind of keep up with me in playtime, so I just sort of played with myself. I think I've kind of realized that being creative is just the best therapy for me. So if I'm not coding, I want to be painting. If I'm not painting, I want to be making music. I want to be directing something or writing something different, and that's been a really good thing to learn quite early on because it just means that I have an outlet to put all of my intensity into.

Learning how to be myself, I think, has been quite interesting. Because I am a very extroverted introvert. I'm really excited because it's this year that I'm completely booked up for the whole year. And I am getting better to recover after twice surgery this year. It was important to try to move around as soon as possible and follow my doctor's advice on getting active again.

I'm really looking forward to taking more time to kind honor the scientist and artist inside of myself. I'm learning the act of self-love. It's a tough journey, but I'm learning it. And I think next year that I'm going to actually do better.

Junghyun-Anna-Park commented 4 years ago

I don't have time for that kind of thing these days. I do like to you know, take time and do a look. It's kind of like a ritual in every morning time. I mix a bunch of stuff on my hand. I like to use my hands on everything because, the warmth of your hand, just makes the makeup sit better.

Junghyun-Anna-Park commented 4 years ago

What could be more innocent that?