Jungwoo-An / react-editor-js

⚛️📝The unofficial editor-js component for React
MIT License
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Weird symbols appear instead.... #215

Open ioannisp opened 1 year ago

ioannisp commented 1 year ago



Hello. i am using this package for the last 3 months. Its excelent and it was working as expected. But today for some reason i was getting some weird sumbols inst of the + that let u choose elements , actions etc. I didnt change anything on my code at all. It just decides by itself to not work properly..... I am not seeing the + anymore when i am trying to delete or add something. Also when i highlight a text the options of bold, Italic etc not showing ... I have no idea why suddenly decides to not working and show me weird symbols. Does anyone ever had the same isssue?? my brain has stopped. here are some pictures if i can help. Ty in advance. And sorry for my bad english! Screenshot_1 Screenshot_2 Screenshot_3