Jungwoo-An / react-editor-js

⚛️📝The unofficial editor-js component for React
MIT License
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Width issue #234

Closed emrecoban closed 11 months ago

emrecoban commented 11 months ago



I cannot change the width. I have the same issue: https://github.com/codex-team/editor.js/discussions/1867#discussioncomment-1982754

emrecoban commented 11 months ago

This issue seems to be related to Next.js. HMR doesn't work properly, also building.

.ce-toolbar__content {
    max-width: unset !important;
    width: 100%;

.cdx-block {
    max-width: unset !important;
    width: 100%;


I've discovered interesting solution. Added @calumk/editorjs-columns to my project, and then just import.