Setting up a dev environment is a significant barrier to entry to anyone wishing to study or contribute to any codebase. This talk introduces Gitpod, a browser-based, cloud-hosted development environment that allows would-be developers to be productive on any codebase hosted on GitHub or GitLab (with Bitbucket support coming soon), while avoiding most of the hassle that comes with setting it up to run on a local machine
Title: Coding on your browser with Gitpod
Date(s): September
Description: Setting up a dev environment is a significant barrier to entry to anyone wishing to study or contribute to any codebase. This talk introduces Gitpod, a browser-based, cloud-hosted development environment that allows would-be developers to be productive on any codebase hosted on GitHub or GitLab (with Bitbucket support coming soon), while avoiding most of the hassle that comes with setting it up to run on a local machine
Profile: You know who I am =)