JuniorTour / vue-template-babel-compiler

Enable Optional Chaining(?.), Nullish Coalescing(??) and many new ES syntax for Vue.js SFC based on Babel
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[Bug] Indexing object with v-for variable generates incorrect code. #16

Closed ascott18 closed 2 years ago

ascott18 commented 2 years ago

When using an element of iteration within the loop as an indexer, the iteration variable gets incorrectly generated as an access off of _vm.

In the example below, the particular issue is all occurrences of _vm.actionKey, which should just be actionKey. $$i and $$a also get incorrectly transformed into accesses off of _vm.

Current behavior

With vue-template-babel-compiler 1.0.4:

var render = function() {
  var _vm = this
  var _h = _vm.$createElement
  var _c = _vm._self._c || _h

  return _c(
    _vm._l(_vm.actionKeys, function(actionKey) {
      return _c("div", [
        _c("input", {
          directives: [
              name: "model",
              rawName: "v-model",
              value: _vm.enabled[actionKey],
              expression: "enabled[actionKey]"
          attrs: {
            type: "checkbox"
          domProps: {
            checked: Array.isArray(_vm.enabled[actionKey])
              ? _vm._i(_vm.enabled[actionKey], null) > -1
              : _vm.enabled[actionKey]
          on: {
            change: function change($event) {
              var $$a = _vm.enabled[actionKey],
                $$el = $event.target,
                $$c = $$el.checked ? true : false

              if (Array.isArray($$a)) {
                var $$v = null,
                  $$i = _vm._i($$a, $$v)

                if ($$el.checked) {
                  _vm.$$i < 0 &&
                } else {
                  _vm.$$i > -1 &&
                        .slice(0, _vm.$$i)
                        .concat(_vm.$$a.slice(_vm.$$i + 1))
              } else {
                _vm.$set(_vm.enabled, _vm.actionKey, $$c)

Expected behavior

With vue-template-compiler 2.6.11:

function render() {
  var _vm = this;
  var _h = _vm.$createElement;
  var _c = _vm._self._c || _h;
  return _c(
    _vm._l(_vm.actionKeys, function (actionKey) {
      return _c('div', [
        _c('input', {
          directives: [
              name: 'model',
              rawName: 'v-model',
              value: _vm.enabled[actionKey],
              expression: 'enabled[actionKey]',
          attrs: {
            type: 'checkbox',
          domProps: {
            checked: Array.isArray(_vm.enabled[actionKey])
              ? _vm._i(_vm.enabled[actionKey], null) > -1
              : _vm.enabled[actionKey],
          on: {
            change: function ($event) {
              var $$a = _vm.enabled[actionKey],
                $$el = $event.target,
                $$c = $$el.checked ? true : false;
              if (Array.isArray($$a)) {
                var $$v = null,
                  $$i = _vm._i($$a, $$v);
                if ($$el.checked) {
                  $$i < 0 &&
                    _vm.$set(_vm.enabled, actionKey, $$a.concat([$$v]));
                } else {
                  $$i > -1 &&
                      $$a.slice(0, $$i).concat($$a.slice($$i + 1))
              } else {
                _vm.$set(_vm.enabled, actionKey, $$c);

Diff between the two:

diff --git "a/.\\stock.js" "b/.\\babel.js"
index 9a9e5b8..5d4fc7b 100644
--- "a/.\\stock.js"
+++ "b/.\\babel.js"
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ var render = function () {
   var _vm = this;
   var _h = _vm.$createElement;
   var _c = _vm._self._c || _h;
   return _c(
     _vm._l(_vm.actionKeys, function (actionKey) {
@@ -15,33 +16,43 @@ var render = function () {
               expression: 'enabled[actionKey]',
-          attrs: { type: 'checkbox' },
+          attrs: {
+            type: 'checkbox',
+          },
           domProps: {
             checked: Array.isArray(_vm.enabled[actionKey])
               ? _vm._i(_vm.enabled[actionKey], null) > -1
               : _vm.enabled[actionKey],
           on: {
-            change: function ($event) {
+            change: function change($event) {
               var $$a = _vm.enabled[actionKey],
                 $$el = $event.target,
                 $$c = $$el.checked ? true : false;
               if (Array.isArray($$a)) {
                 var $$v = null,
                   $$i = _vm._i($$a, $$v);
                 if ($$el.checked) {
-                  $$i < 0 &&
-                    _vm.$set(_vm.enabled, actionKey, $$a.concat([$$v]));
+                  _vm.$$i < 0 &&
+                    _vm.$set(
+                      _vm.enabled,
+                      _vm.actionKey,
+                      _vm.$$a.concat([_vm.$$v])
+                    );
                 } else {
-                  $$i > -1 &&
+                  _vm.$$i > -1 &&
-                      actionKey,
-                      $$a.slice(0, $$i).concat($$a.slice($$i + 1))
+                      _vm.actionKey,
+                      _vm.$$a
+                        .slice(0, _vm.$$i)
+                        .concat(_vm.$$a.slice(_vm.$$i + 1))
               } else {
-                _vm.$set(_vm.enabled, actionKey, $$c);
+                _vm.$set(_vm.enabled, _vm.actionKey, $$c);


    <div v-for="actionKey in actionKeys">
      <input type="checkbox" v-model="enabled[actionKey]" />


JuniorTour commented 2 years ago

It is a bug. Thanks for feedback.

I may look into it later. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Welcome for pull request!😊

Seems to be related to the core logic:


We need take v-for into consideration.

FedorIF commented 2 years ago

Bug is not only with indexer, also getting this problem with function params in nested scoped slots:

    <template #cell="{ column, row, cell }">
        <span @click="myMethod(row.id)">here is ok</span>
            <template #item="{ item }">
                <span>{{ row.id }} - here is ok</span>
                <span @click="myMethod(row.id)">here is NOT ok, _vm. prepended</span>
JuniorTour commented 2 years ago

@ascott18 @FedorIF

Sorry to have kept you waiting.

We just publish new version 1.0.5 , it will fix your issue.

You can try it by:

npm install vue-template-babel-compiler@1.0.5 -D
// or yarn
yarn add vue-template-babel-compiler@1.0.5 -D

Fixed DEMO for v-for && <checkbox v-model>


Fixed DEMO for nested scoped slot
