Closed derekhuang closed 8 years ago
I check the screen window, it seems the IFMAP server returns "401 Unauthorized" as response. That causes the body is None.
In my case api-server starts, but control, ui-jobs and ui-webs fails to start.
failure"start" | tee "/home/contrail/contrail-installer/status/contrail/control. contrai [1] 23149 sudo /opt/stack/contrail/build/production/control-node/contrail-control --conf_file /etc/contrail/contrail-control.conf contrail-control: controller/src/base/connectioninfo.h:89: static process::ConnectionStateManager* process::ConnectionStateManager::GetInstance(): Assertion `ConnectionState::instance == __null' failed. control failed to start contrail@ubuntu1:~/contrail-installer$
l/contrail-installer/status/contrail/ui-jobs.failure"start" | tee "/home/contrai b-core; [1] 24311 sudo node jobServerStart.js
throw err;
Error: Cannot find module 'redis'
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:338:15)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:280:25)
at Module.require (module.js:362:17)
at require (module.js:378:17)
at Object.
After further checking the 401 error response from IFMAP, it is found that the IFMAP username and password for API-SERVER are not populated in contrail-api.conf for unknown reason, which should be done by ./ configure. Anyway, after run ./ configure once again, the API-SERVER service can be up now.
Same problem here but when I run ./ configure and then start it is giving me again the same error. api-server did not start
When I run "./ start", it reports the api-server did not start as below:
2016-07-15 15:45:36 Waiting for api-server to start... 2016-07-15 15:45:36 ++ NL=$'\r' 2016-07-15 15:45:36 ++ screen -S contrail -p apiSrv -X stuff '/usr/local/bin/contrail-api --conf_file /etc/contrail/contrail-api.conf --rabbit_user rabbitcontrail --rabbit_password contrail123 --rabbit_serv'r & echo $! >/home/ubuntu/contrail-installer/status/contrail/; fg || echo "apiSrv failed to start" | tee "/home/ubuntu/contrail-installer/status/contrail/apiSrv.failure" 2016-07-15 15:45:36 ++ [[ apiSrv == \a\g\e\n\t ]] 2016-07-15 15:45:36 ++ echo 'Waiting for api-server to start...' 2016-07-15 15:45:36 ++ timeout 180 sh -c 'while ! http_proxy= wget -q -O- http://localhost:8082; do sleep 1; done' ubuntu@contrail:~/contrail-installer$ 2016-07-15 15:48:36 ++ echo 'api-server did not start' 2016-07-15 15:48:36 ++ exit 1 2016-07-15 15:48:36 api-server did not start 2016-07-15 15:48:36 ++ clean 2016-07-15 15:48:36 exited with status :1 2016-07-15 15:48:36 ++ local r=1 2016-07-15 15:48:36 ++ echo 'exited with status :1' 2016-07-15 15:48:36 ++ exit 1
I check the contrail-status from contrail-installer/utilities, and get the following output:
apiSrv : ERROR cass : ACTIVE ifmap : ACTIVE redis : ACTIVE
apiSrv : ERROR
ERROR : dict = {} doc = 'Attribute not found.' format =
getattribute = <method-wrapper 'getattribute' of exceptions.AttributeError object>
getitem = <method-wrapper 'getitem' of exceptions.AttributeError object>
getslice = <method-wrapper 'getslice' of exceptions.AttributeError object>
hash = <method-wrapper 'hash' of exceptions.AttributeError object>
init = <method-wrapper 'init' of exceptions.AttributeError object>
new =
reduce =
reduce_ex =
repr = <method-wrapper 'repr' of exceptions.AttributeError object>
setattr = <method-wrapper 'setattr' of exceptions.AttributeError object>
setstate =
sizeof =
str = <method-wrapper 'str' of exceptions.AttributeError object>
subclasshook =
unicode =
args = ("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'find'",)
message = "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'find'"
The above is a description of an error in a Python program. Here is the original traceback:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/bin/contrail-api", line 9, in
load_entry_point('vnc-cfg-api-server==0.1.dev0', 'console_scripts', 'contrail-api')()
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/vnc_cfg_api_server/", line 3256, in server_main
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/vnc_cfg_api_server/", line 3215, in main
vnc_api_server = VncApiServer(args_str)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/vnc_cfg_api_server/", line 1450, in init
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/vnc_cfg_api_server/", line 2426, in _db_connect
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/vnc_cfg_api_server/", line 1307, in init
self, ifmap_srv_ip, ifmap_srv_port, uname, passwd, ssl_options)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/vnc_cfg_api_server/", line 125, in init
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/vnc_cfg_api_server/", line 367, in _init_conn
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cfgm_common/ifmap/", line 45, in init
self.newSession = Response(result).element()
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cfgm_common/ifmap/", line 21, in __init
response = body.find('{}response')
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'find'
The error is raised in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cfgm_common/ifmap/
def init(self, result): """ Take a result string and process it """ if result: env = ElementTree.fromstring(result) body = env.find('{}Body') response = body.find('{}response')
xml.etree.ElementTree find is broken in python 2.6
It seems the IFMAP response does not contain "{}Body" so that the body is None.
Does somebody meet the same issue and share the insight with me? Thank you very much!