Juniper / go-netconf

NETCONF implementation in Go.
252 stars 110 forks source link

Move repo outside of Juniper org #114

Open nemith opened 2 years ago

nemith commented 2 years ago

When i started this project I was working for Juniper and looking for something to learn Go with. I was also doing some automation for a customer POC and netconf seemed like a cool thing to try. I got a working prototype and threw it on my GH and talked to @jeremyschulman at a internal meeting and he talked me into moving it into the Juniper repository.

Fast forward 9 years I have long left Juniper but have found myself needing a good Netconf library written in Go and ... we'll i've learned some things over that time. There has been small fixes to this repo while I was focusing on other stuff but it feels largly unowned. Having a need for a better implemented and more feature rich library has started my work on complete rewrite to be slated as v2.

Looking at this repo of this project it seems a lot of interest and contributors seem to be outside of Juniper (like myself) and thinking we should have a safe neutral home to this. This would also allow us to use discussion, the new project support etc.

Would Juniper and other be in support of moving this to a go-netconf organization. This repo would be moved to which would also be the root of the package and give the package the name of netconf just like it is today but with one less step.

I also want to work on a cli tool like CURL for issuing netconf commands for debugging/etc. That could be a seperate repo and this go module as well to keep the requirements seperate. (The nettconf library should have no requirements outside of stdlib and a cli tool should have some packages for colors, sub-commands, etc).

Yeah neh? Anyone in Juniper can help support this? The other alternative is to fork into the new repo but as there are many users of this package that may be less desirable.

nemith commented 1 year ago

Rethinkng this: I think probably just leaving this at my personal github repo is probably best for now since it's probably going to be just me developing this for the near to medium future. is a good home. It is also a brand new name/import path which means that breaking API changes is not bad. This repo should be archived and update the readme to point to the new project (if desired).