Juniper / open-nti

Open Network Telemetry Collector build with open source tools
Apache License 2.0
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Opennti_Input_OC error - E! Could not subscribe: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = all SubConns are in TransientFailure #204

Closed mnanduri closed 6 years ago

mnanduri commented 6 years ago

Getting this error lately after reboot of server. I have restarted the container couple of times too.

docker logs opennti_input_oc 2018-02-05T22:10:25Z I! Database creation failed: Post dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused 2018-02-05T22:10:25Z I! Starting Telegraf v1.6.0~953e10e 2018-02-05T22:10:25Z I! Loaded outputs: influxdb 2018-02-05T22:10:25Z I! Loaded inputs: inputs.jti_openconfig_telemetry 2018-02-05T22:10:25Z I! Tags enabled: host=853a06fc786b 2018-02-05T22:10:25Z I! Agent Config: Interval:10s, Quiet:false, Hostname:"853a06fc786b", Flush Interval:5s 2018-02-05T22:10:25Z E! Error in plugin [inputs.jti_openconfig_telemetry]: E! Could not subscribe: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = all SubConns are in TransientFailure 2018-02-09T14:16:37Z I! Database creation failed: Post dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused 2018-02-09T14:16:37Z I! Starting Telegraf v1.6.0~953e10e 2018-02-09T14:16:37Z I! Loaded outputs: influxdb 2018-02-09T14:16:37Z I! Loaded inputs: inputs.jti_openconfig_telemetry 2018-02-09T14:16:37Z I! Tags enabled: host=853a06fc786b 2018-02-09T14:16:37Z I! Agent Config: Interval:10s, Quiet:false, Hostname:"853a06fc786b", Flush Interval:5s 2018-02-09T14:16:37Z E! Error in plugin [inputs.jti_openconfig_telemetry]: E! Could not subscribe: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = all SubConns are in TransientFailure

mnanduri commented 6 years ago

This error is gone once i rebuilt the whole thing from scratch i.e wiping and reinstalling it again.