Closed kpetremann closed 1 month ago
Hi @kpetremann Could you please share the RPC details or PyEZ script , So that I can reproduce the issue .
Thanks & Regards Chidanand
Hi @chidanandpujar,
Thanks for your response.
So far, we had the issue only when using Saltstack scheduler:
which calls napalm load_config
method (napalm 4.0.0)load_merge_candidate
of junos-ezncOur code base is open-source:
The Salt proxy-minion is setting ignore_warning
to True.
I can try to create a docker compose based lab to reproduce the issue on demand. But I will be on vacation starting tomorrow, so I won't be able to provide you this before June :/
Note: I don't know why it only happens in a schedule context, which is weird. Maybe it happens after multiple execution. We did not run the state manually a lot.
FYI, we deployed this workaround which works. But it is not a proper way to fix the issue.
The loaded configuration looks like this:
It happens even if the configuration is already up to date.
Additional information, we saw the issue on QFX 5100 & 5110, at least on version 18.4 and 20.2.
Hi @kpetremann , Thanks for the details . Is it possible to collect the netconf trace logs from the QFX device .
set system services netconf ssh set system services netconf traceoptions file netcof_trace.log set system services netconf traceoptions file size 1g set system services netconf traceoptions flag all commit.
Thanks & Regards Chidanand
@chidanandpujar, I reverted my fix to retrigger the issue, but so far no occurrence.
I'll check the result in June after my vacations. I'll keep you updated then.
hi @chidanandpujar, I am able to reproduce the issue. But when the workflow is triggered, the netconf_trace.log is created but it remains empty.
> show configuration system services netconf
traceoptions {
file netconf_trace.log size 1g;
flag all;
> show log netconf_trace.log
hi @chidanandpujar any update?
Hi @kpetremann Thanks for the information , I am yet to replicate this issue on our local setup. I will update you .
Thanks & Regards Chidanand
Hi @kpetremann
Thanks very much for sharing the details ,
Netconf traces are empty , so it is not clear what is the RPC and configuration details are loaded .
from the exception details , it is visible that config load operation is performed and there might be error/warnings emitted as part of rpc execution .
something similar , cu.load(cnf, ignore_warning='statement not found')
Also, I am not able to access the config file -
Hi @chidanandpujar,
For the config file example, the a directory has been renamed, here the new link:
there might be error/warnings emitted as part of rpc execution
As we set the ignore_warning parameter to true, the warning should be ignore, am I right?
Hi @kpetremann Thanks for sharing the config file , yeah correct , if we set the ignore_warning to (true or string or list of strings ) which are emitted as part of rpc response, will be ignored .
I will try to replicate the issue on local test setup .
Hi @kpetremann when I try to load the provided config statements , ignore_warning looks to be not working . I am able to replicated the issue with ignore_warning .
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/root/pyez_release_268_test1/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/junos_eznc-2.6.8+0.g0745dd0e.dirty-py3.9.egg/jnpr/junos/", line 834, in execute
rpc_rsp_e = self._rpc_reply(
File "/root/pyez_release_268_test1/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/junos_eznc-2.6.8+0.g0745dd0e.dirty-py3.9.egg/jnpr/junos/", line 145, in wrapper
raise ex
File "/root/pyez_release_268_test1/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/junos_eznc-2.6.8+0.g0745dd0e.dirty-py3.9.egg/jnpr/junos/", line 117, in wrapper
rsp = function(self, *args, **kwargs)
File "/root/pyez_release_268_test1/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/junos_eznc-2.6.8+0.g0745dd0e.dirty-py3.9.egg/jnpr/junos/", line 1471, in _rpc_reply
return self._conn.rpc(rpc_cmd_e, filter_xml)._NCElement__doc
File "/root/pyez_release_268_test1/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ncclient-0.6.13-py3.9.egg/ncclient/", line 246, in execute
File "/root/pyez_release_268_test1/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ncclient-0.6.13-py3.9.egg/ncclient/operations/third_party/juniper/", line 52, in request
File "/root/pyez_release_268_test1/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ncclient-0.6.13-py3.9.egg/ncclient/operations/", line 373, in _request
ncclient.operations.rpc.RPCError: warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
error: syntax error
warning: statement not found
error: syntax error
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/root/pyez_release_268_test1/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/junos_eznc-2.6.8+0.g0745dd0e.dirty-py3.9.egg/jnpr/junos/utils/", line 500, in try_load
got = self.rpc.load_config(
File "/root/pyez_release_268_test1/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/junos_eznc-2.6.8+0.g0745dd0e.dirty-py3.9.egg/jnpr/junos/", line 287, in load_config
return self._junos.execute(rpc, ignore_warning=ignore_warning)
File "/root/pyez_release_268_test1/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/junos_eznc-2.6.8+0.g0745dd0e.dirty-py3.9.egg/jnpr/junos/", line 76, in wrapper
return function(*args, **kwargs)
File "/root/pyez_release_268_test1/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/junos_eznc-2.6.8+0.g0745dd0e.dirty-py3.9.egg/jnpr/junos/", line 31, in wrapper
return function(*args, **kwargs)
File "/root/pyez_release_268_test1/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/junos_eznc-2.6.8+0.g0745dd0e.dirty-py3.9.egg/jnpr/junos/", line 854, in execute
raise EzErrors.RpcError(cmd=rpc_cmd_e, rsp=rsp, errs=ex)
jnpr.junos.exception.RpcError: RpcError(severity: error, bad_element: 65000, message: warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
error: syntax error
warning: statement not found
error: syntax error
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found)
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/root/pyez_release_268_test1/py-junos-eznc/tests/functional/", line 9, in <module>
cu.load(path='mx-config.conf', ignore_warning=True, format='set')
File "/root/pyez_release_268_test1/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/junos_eznc-2.6.8+0.g0745dd0e.dirty-py3.9.egg/jnpr/junos/utils/", line 589, in load
return try_load(rpc_contents, rpc_xattrs, ignore_warning=ignore_warning)
File "/root/pyez_release_268_test1/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/junos_eznc-2.6.8+0.g0745dd0e.dirty-py3.9.egg/jnpr/junos/utils/", line 506, in try_load
raise ConfigLoadError(cmd=err.cmd, rsp=err.rsp, errs=err.errs)
jnpr.junos.exception.ConfigLoadError: ConfigLoadError(severity: error, bad_element: 65000, message: warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
error: syntax error
warning: statement not found
error: syntax error
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found
warning: statement not found)
~/pyez_release_268_test1/py-junos-eznc/tests/functional# cat
from jnpr.junos import Device
from jnpr.junos.utils.config import Config
load_warnings = ['statement not found']
dev = Device(host='xx.xx.xx.xx', user='xyz', password='xyz')
with Config(dev, mode='exclusive') as cu:
cu.load(path='mx-config.conf', ignore_warning=True, format='set')
Hi @kpetremann There were some rpc-erros with severity as error reported during loading of the config statements , I have removed them since ,we don't have option to ignore severity errors .
with following config statements , I am able to ignore the warnings .
~/pyez_release_268_test1/py-junos-eznc/tests/functional# cat mx-config.set
delete policy-options community CL-LOCAL
delete policy-options community CL-MAIN
set policy-options community CL-MAIN members 649..:20000
delete policy-options community CL-SERVICE
delete policy-options community CL-DEFAULT
delete policy-options community CL-LOCATION
delete policy-options community CL-CLOS_INFRA
delete policy-options community CL-SERVER
delete policy-options route-filter-list PF-LOOPBACK_IPV4
set policy-options route-filter-list PF-LOOPBACK_IPV4 exact
set policy-options route-filter-list PF-LOOPBACK_IPV4 exact
delete policy-options route-filter-list PF-LOOPBACK_IPV6
set policy-options route-filter-list PF-LOOPBACK_IPV6 2001:db8:1::/64 exact
set policy-options route-filter-list PF-LOOPBACK_IPV6 2001:db8:1::/128 exact
delete policy-options policy-statement RM-TEST
delete policy-options policy-statement AUTOGENERATED::RM-TEST::IPV4_UNICAST
delete policy-options policy-statement AUTOGENERATED::RM-TEST::IPV6_UNICAST
delete policy-options policy-statement AUTOGENERATED::RM-TEST::L2VPN_EVPN
set policy-options policy-statement RM-TEST term 10 from route-filter-list PF-LOOPBACK_IPV4
set policy-options policy-statement RM-TEST term 10 from protocol direct
set policy-options policy-statement RM-TEST term 10 from local-preference 1234
set policy-options policy-statement RM-TEST term 10 from community CL-LOCAL
set policy-options policy-statement RM-TEST term 10 then origin egp
set policy-options policy-statement RM-TEST term 10 then local-preference 5678
set policy-options policy-statement RM-TEST term 10 then metric 250
delete policy-options community AUTOGENERATED::RM-TEST:10
set policy-options policy-statement RM-TEST term 10 then community set AUTOGENERATED::RM-TEST:10
set policy-options policy-statement RM-TEST term 10 then reject
set policy-options policy-statement RM-TEST then reject
set policy-options policy-statement AUTOGENERATED::RM-TEST::IPV4_UNICAST term 10 from family inet
set policy-options policy-statement AUTOGENERATED::RM-TEST::IPV4_UNICAST term 10 from route-filter-list PF-LOOPBACK_IPV4
set policy-options policy-statement AUTOGENERATED::RM-TEST::IPV4_UNICAST term 10 from protocol direct
set policy-options policy-statement AUTOGENERATED::RM-TEST::IPV4_UNICAST term 10 from local-preference 1234
set policy-options policy-statement AUTOGENERATED::RM-TEST::IPV4_UNICAST term 10 from community CL-LOCAL
set policy-options policy-statement AUTOGENERATED::RM-TEST::IPV4_UNICAST term 10 then origin egp
set policy-options policy-statement AUTOGENERATED::RM-TEST::IPV4_UNICAST term 10 then local-preference 5678
set policy-options policy-statement AUTOGENERATED::RM-TEST::IPV4_UNICAST term 10 then metric 250
delete policy-options community AUTOGENERATED::RM-TEST:10
set policy-options policy-statement AUTOGENERATED::RM-TEST::IPV4_UNICAST term 10 then community set AUTOGENERATED::RM-TEST:10
set policy-options policy-statement AUTOGENERATED::RM-TEST::IPV4_UNICAST term 10 then reject
set policy-options policy-statement AUTOGENERATED::RM-TEST::IPV4_UNICAST then reject
delete policy-options policy-statement RM-TEST-OUT
delete policy-options policy-statement AUTOGENERATED::RM-TEST-OUT::IPV4_UNICAST
delete policy-options policy-statement AUTOGENERATED::RM-TEST-OUT::IPV6_UNICAST
delete policy-options policy-statement AUTOGENERATED::RM-TEST-OUT::L2VPN_EVPN
set policy-options policy-statement RM-TEST-OUT term 10 then reject
set policy-options policy-statement RM-TEST-OUT then reject
set policy-options policy-statement AUTOGENERATED::RM-TEST-OUT::IPV4_UNICAST term 10 from family inet
set policy-options policy-statement AUTOGENERATED::RM-TEST-OUT::IPV4_UNICAST term 10 then reject
set policy-options policy-statement AUTOGENERATED::RM-TEST-OUT::IPV4_UNICAST then reject
~/pyez_release_268_test1/py-junos-eznc/tests/functional# cat
from jnpr.junos import Device
from jnpr.junos.utils.config import Config
load_warnings = ['statement not found']
dev = Device(host='xx.xx.xx.xx', user='xyz', password='xyz')
with Config(dev, mode='exclusive') as cu:
cu.load(path="mx-config.set", ignore_warning=True, format='set')
:~/pyez_release_268_test1/py-junos-eznc/tests/functional# python
Hi @chidanandpujar,
I had a look to your stacktrace when you trigger the exception, I do not think this is the same one. We do not have errors but only warnings.
The issues we have is that a warning triggers an unhandled exception because the warning is supposed to be an XML message with _root, but according the stacktrace we get, the message it is a string, which of course does not have _root attribute.
at line 125: it checks if it is a warning or an error. If it is an error it raises an exception at line 145 and so exits the function, which is fine. The issue is at line 156, which is not run when this is an error.
With the hacky patch, we do have an exception when there is an error and it is ok. Only a warning is causing an issue, and I do not know which one exactly. Most of the warning are well handled.
I'll try to set up a lab today to reproduce the issue, as I cannot reproduce the issue because of business freeze.
Hi @kpetremann , Sure, Thanks , Please try to replicate the issue with PyEZ script , while debugging the issue , I have found a issue where ignoring_warning was set to False by default and fixed it via
once you are able to replicate the issue, please share config and PyEZ script .
Hi @kpetremann, Were you able to replicate the issue via a PyEz script? Do you still see the issue? Kindly update.
Hi @apurvaraghu,
I've given it a try but it was not enough.
I'll also check the differences in eznc usage between salt (via napalm) and your script), and I'll try with both the script and salt at the same time.
Thanks, Please update the results.
Hi @kpetremann Please replicate this issue using PyEZ script and update the config and results . Till then I will move the issue to need-info state .
Please refer the following PyEZ script .
from jnpr.junos import Device
from jnpr.junos.utils.config import Config
load_warnings = ['statement not found']
dev = Device(host='xx.xx.xx.xx', user='xyz', password='xyz')
with Config(dev, mode='exclusive') as cu:
cu.load(path='mx-config.conf', ignore_warning=True, format='set')
Thanks Chidanand
hi @chidanandpujar,
I am still able to reproduce the issue with Salt, but sadly not when calling PyEZ directly. I did not catch the parameters Salt uses to call PyEZ and trigger the issue.
I am closing this ticket as our fork of PyEZ with the workaround is working well with Salt.
Hello team,
We are encountering this issue when loading a configuration with ignore_warning feature enabled:
This is causing an exception resulting, and the commit is discard.
The code in pyeznc is calling NCElement with an argument with the wrong type:
Bypassing the error with a try except block confirms this is the root cause. I don't know what can be passed to NCElement instead of a string. I am not familiar with ncclient.
Can you help please?
Tested versions: junos-eznc=2.6.5 and 2.6.7