Juniper / warp17

The Stateful Traffic Generator for Layer 1 to Layer 7
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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http bandwidth drops periodically #116

Open anuradhapriyankara opened 4 years ago

anuradhapriyankara commented 4 years ago

Hi, I am developing a traffic monitoring application and planning to use warp17 for testing it. However, I have experienced that warp17 application traffic bandwidth drops periodically. Here is a snapshot I captured by my monitoring application. I am expecting to have a flat curve without periodic drops.


I have previously tested my application with real world traffic, so I don't think there is a problem with my application.

I am using a custom python script based on to create 275 http sessions belongs to 11 URLs(Applications). My test setup use two X710 NICs with 6GB hugepage memory.

chandrasheker commented 4 years ago

I think you need to modify your uptime to infinity, I think this is configured as 10 seconds.

anuradhapriyankara commented 4 years ago

I think you need to modify your uptime to infinity, I think this is configured as 10 seconds.

Thanks for the reply. I don't think uptime is the problem here. I have set stop time to 36000(10 hours) on below line of python script for both client and server,

scrit = TestCriteria(tc_crit_type=SRV_UP, tc_srv_up=stop_time)

davvore33 commented 4 years ago

Hi @anuradhapriyankara, could you please give us the whole configuration, either way python commands or cli commands is fine

anuradhapriyankara commented 4 years ago

Hi @anuradhapriyankara, could you please give us the whole configuration, either way python commands or cli commands is fine

Hi, @davvore33 Sorry for the extreme delay. I have faced this problem first with warp17 v1.6. So thinking the older version was the problem I have upgraded to v1.8. However the problem still exists. I cannot publish my original code due to company policy, but I was able to replicate the problem using

Here is my code,

` import sys import time import os import argparse

sys.path.append('../../python') sys.path.append('../../api/generated/py') sys.path.append('../../ut/lib')

from warp17_api import *

.# We hijack a bit the back2back definitions that we use for testing. .# Ideally the user should have his own ways scripting the configured values. from b2b_setup import *

from warp17_common_pb2 import from warp17_l3_pb2 import from warp17_server_pb2 import from warp17_client_pb2 import from warp17_app_pb2 import from warp17_app_http_pb2 import from warp17_test_case_pb2 import from warp17_service_pb2 import

def die(msg): sys.stderr.write(msg + ' Should cleanup but we just exit..\n') sys.exit(1)

def init_test(w17_binary):

Configure the WARP17 mandatory environment variables. These could also be

# set outside the script (through normal env variables) but for this example
# we do it here..

# Save the hostname and tcp port WARP17 listens on. Also the env.
global warp17_host
global warp17_port
global env

env = Warp17Env(path=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),

# First start WARP17 on the local machine, default IP and port.
warp17_host = env.get_host_name()
warp17_port = env.get_rpc_port()

# Ask for the output log to go to /tmp/test_1_api_example.out
# Returns the process id of WARP17.
# This will throw an exception if the output file can't be created or if
# WARP17 can't be started.
warp17_pid = warp17_start(env=env, exec_file=w17_binary,

# Now wait for WARP17 to finish initializing
# This will exit if WARP17 fails to initialize
return warp17_pid

def configure_client_port():

Configure 2 client IP interfaces and no default gateway on port 0.

# First the default gw
pcfg = b2b_port_add(eth_port=0, def_gw =Ip(ip_version=IPV4, ip_v4=0))

intf1 = (Ip(ip_version=IPV4, ip_v4=b2b_ipv4(eth_port=0, intf_idx=0)),
         Ip(ip_version=IPV4, ip_v4=b2b_mask(eth_port=0, intf_idx=0)),
         b2b_count(eth_port=0, intf_idx=0))
intf2 = (Ip(ip_version=IPV4, ip_v4=b2b_ipv4(eth_port=0, intf_idx=1)),
         Ip(ip_version=IPV4, ip_v4=b2b_mask(eth_port=0, intf_idx=1)),
         b2b_count(eth_port=0, intf_idx=1))
b2b_port_add_intfs(pcfg, [intf1, intf2])

# Ask WARP17 to add them to the config.
err = warp17_method_call(warp17_host, warp17_port, Warp17_Stub, 'ConfigurePort', pcfg)
if err.e_code != 0:
    die('Error configuring port 0.')

# Prepare the L4 Client config (eth_port 0)
# source ports in the range: [10001, 30000]
# destination ports in the range: [101, 200]
# In total (per client IP): 2M sessions.
# In total: 4M sessions
sport_range=L4PortRange(l4pr_start=10001, l4pr_end=10275)
dport_range=L4PortRange(l4pr_start=80, l4pr_end=80)
l4_ccfg = L4Client(l4c_proto=TCP,

rate_ccfg = RateClient(rc_open_rate=Rate(),  # no rate limiting
                       rc_close_rate=Rate(), # no rate limiting
                       rc_send_rate=Rate(r_value=30000))  # no rate limiting

# Prepare the HTTP Client config
http_ccfg = App(app_proto=HTTP_CLIENT,
                                           hc_req_size=2048)) # configure HTTP requests of size 2K

# Prepare the Client test case criteria.
# Let the test case run for one hour.
ccrit = TestCriteria(tc_crit_type=RUN_TIME, tc_run_time_s=3600)

# Put the whole test case config together.
ccfg = TestCase(tc_type=CLIENT, tc_eth_port=0,
                tc_client=Client(cl_src_ips=b2b_sips(eth_port=0, ip_count=2),
                                 cl_dst_ips=b2b_dips(eth_port=0, ip_count=1),

# Ask WARP17 to add the test case config
err = warp17_method_call(warp17_host, warp17_port, Warp17_Stub, 'ConfigureTestCase', ccfg)
if err.e_code != 0:
    die('Error configuring client test case.')

print 'Clients configured successfully!\n'

def configure_server_port():

Configure 1 server IP interface and no default gateway on port 1.

# First the default gw
pcfg = b2b_port_add(eth_port=1, def_gw=Ip(ip_version=IPV4, ip_v4=0))

intf1 = (Ip(ip_version=IPV4, ip_v4=b2b_ipv4(eth_port=1, intf_idx=0)),
         Ip(ip_version=IPV4, ip_v4=b2b_mask(eth_port=1, intf_idx=0)),
         b2b_count(eth_port=0, intf_idx=0))
b2b_port_add_intfs(pcfg, [intf1])

# Ask WARP17 to add them to the config.
err = warp17_method_call(warp17_host, warp17_port, Warp17_Stub, 'ConfigurePort', pcfg)
if err.e_code != 0:
    die('Error configuring port 1.')

# Prepare the L4 Server config (eth_port 1)
# ports in the range: [101, 200]
port_range=L4PortRange(l4pr_start=80, l4pr_end=80)
l4_scfg = L4Server(l4s_proto=TCP,

# Prepare the HTTP Server config
http_scfg = App(app_proto=HTTP_SERVER,

# The server test case criteria is to have all servers in listen state.
# However, server test cases are special and keep running even after the
# PASS criteria is met
scrit = TestCriteria(tc_crit_type=SRV_UP, tc_srv_up=3600)

# Put the whole test case config together
scfg = TestCase(tc_type=SERVER, tc_eth_port=1, tc_id=0,
                tc_server=Server(srv_ips=b2b_sips(eth_port=1, ip_count=1),

# Ask WARP17 to add the test case config
err = warp17_method_call(warp17_host, warp17_port, Warp17_Stub, 'ConfigureTestCase', scfg)
if err.e_code != 0:
    die('Error configuring server test case.')

print 'Servers configured successfully!\n'

def start_client_port(): err = warp17_method_call(warp17_host, warp17_port, Warp17_Stub, 'PortStart', PortArg(pa_eth_port=0)) if err.e_code != 0: die('Error starting client test cases.')

print 'Clients started successfully!\n'

def start_server_port(): err = warp17_method_call(warp17_host, warp17_port, Warp17_Stub, 'PortStart', PortArg(pa_eth_port=1)) if err.e_code != 0: die('Error starting server test cases.')

print 'Servers started successfully!\n'

def check_stats():

Just check client stats a couple of times (once a second and stop

# afterwards)..
for i in range(0, 200):
    client_result = warp17_method_call(warp17_host, warp17_port, Warp17_Stub,
    if client_result.tsr_error.e_code != 0:
        die('Error fetching client test case stats.')

    print 'Client test case state: ' + str(client_result.tsr_state) + '\n'
    print 'Global stats:'
    print client_result.tsr_stats
    print 'Rate stats:'
    print client_result.tsr_rate_stats
    print 'HTTP Client stats:'
    print client_result.tsr_app_stats.as_http


def stop_client_port(): err = warp17_method_call(warp17_host, warp17_port, Warp17_Stub, 'PortStop', PortArg(pa_eth_port=0)) if err.e_code != 0: die('Error stopping client test cases.')

print 'Clients stopped successfully!\n'

def stop_server_port(): err = warp17_method_call(warp17_host, warp17_port, Warp17_Stub, 'PortStop', PortArg(pa_eth_port=1)) if err.e_code != 0: die('Error stopping server test cases.')

print 'Servers stopped successfully!\n'

def run_test(): ''' Assumes a back to back topology with two 40G ports. ''' ''' Port 0 emulates clients and port 1 emulates servers. '''

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', help='path to warp17 binary',
args = parser.parse_args()

warp17_pid = init_test(args.file)




# Cleanup: Ask WARP17 to stop
warp17_stop(env, warp17_pid)

if name == 'main': run_test() `

And here is the test_1_http_4M.ini


[DEFAULT] .# Mask of cores to be assigned to DPDK coremask=0xF .# Number of memory channels to use nchan=1 .# Hugepages memory to be used (in MB) memory=2000

.# TCB pool size (by default 10M TCBs) tcb-pool-sz=200

.# Disable UDP packet pool since we don't use it ucb-pool-sz=0


.# List of ports to be used. These must be already added to the DPDK driver. ports=0000:65:00.0 0000:65:00.1

.# Default qmap qmap-default=max-c

[0000:82:00.0] .# This is here for reference as the default qmap will be used .# Comment out qmap-default from DEFAULT if this one should be used qmap=0x42

[0000:83:00.0] .# This is here for reference as the default qmap will be used .# Comment out qmap-default from DEFAULT if this one should be used qmap=0x42`

The problem seem to be associated with the rate_ccfg. I have tested using multiple rc_send_rate and following were the results,

rc_send_rate = 30000 graph_rate30000

rc_send_rate = 300000 graph_rate300000

rc_send_rate = Rate() - Unlimited graph_rate_unlimited

The drop are not seems to be periodic. When the rate is around 30000 - 40000 the curve is flat.