Juniper41 / mandibular-morphovariation

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AW Project Proposal Feedback #1

Open Juniper41 opened 4 years ago

McLeodMJ commented 4 years ago

Hi June! This is fascinating research. I think that comparing how specialist and generalist are potentially changing during climate warming is a great approach to see what morphological landmarks are varying and how it affects species differently.

Angelika-Kurthen commented 4 years ago

Hi June,

You presentation was really aesthetically pleasing! I can totally sympathize with your challenges facing missing landmarks - it seems like you know exactly what kinds of challenges you will come across and why they might be occurring.

zechmeunier commented 4 years ago

Great presentation! I also like the specialist vs. generalist angle.

howardre commented 4 years ago

I really loved your slide design and thought you did a great job of explaining how your research process works. It sounds like really interesting research!

jwongala commented 4 years ago

Your project is very interesting and was explained very well. Excited to see your results in the future.

Coffee-Powered-Scientist commented 4 years ago

Good presentation, looking forward to that data.

jessealaney commented 4 years ago

June, it should come as no surprise that I find your research focus in this project absolutely fascinating! You explained your research questions and background information very well. Concerning your sample size concern, I wonder if there is a way to use more modern specimens as proxies to beef up your dataset... maybe subbing in space for time? Might be something to test time-only model results against?

breshears-logan commented 4 years ago

Your project looks very interesting! Would you be able use the same morphometric mapping techniques for different bones? Why did you choose mandibles? I assume you are attributing the change in mandible shape to variation in the rodents diet and habitat use. Would you be able to do the same with say femur bones, or pelvic bones to look at the change in rodents movement patterns in different habitat types?