JunjieLeiCoe / preprocess

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placeholder SSN ideas #3

Open JunjieLeiCoe opened 3 months ago

JunjieLeiCoe commented 3 months ago

This is the test case;

# Sample dataframe
df <- data.frame(
  AssociateID = c(1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5),
  EmployeeSSN = c(NA, "123-45-6789", NA, NA, "987-65-4321", NA, NA, NA),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE
df <- generateSSNPlaceholders(df, "AssociateID", "EmployeeSSN")
# Main function in mind; pending implementation to the main package;

generateSSNPlaceholders <- function(data, associate_id_column, ssn_column) {
  associate_ids_with_missing_ssn <- data %>%
    filter(is.na(!!sym(ssn_column))) %>%
    distinct(!!sym(associate_id_column)) %>%
    mutate(placeholder_ssn = sprintf("999-99-%05d", seq_len(n())))

  data <- data %>%
    left_join(associate_ids_with_missing_ssn, by = associate_id_column) %>%
    mutate(!!ssn_column := ifelse(is.na(!!sym(ssn_column)), placeholder_ssn, !!sym(ssn_column))) %>%


In the context of the dplyr package in R, the sym function and the !! operator work together to enable non-standard evaluation (NSE), which is a way of programming where expressions are evaluated in a specific context rather than in the standard R manner. This technique is particularly useful when writing functions that manipulate data frames using column names specified as strings or variables.

JunjieLeiCoe commented 3 months ago

In the context of the dplyr package in R, the sym function and the !! operator work together to enable non-standard evaluation (NSE), which is a way of programming where expressions are evaluated in a specific context rather than in the standard R manner. This technique is particularly useful when writing functions that manipulate data frames using column names specified as strings or variables.

Let's break down what's happening in this part of the code:

filter(is.na(!!sym(ssn_column))) %>%

The sym function

The !! operator (bang-bang)

Practical Example

Suppose you have a function that accepts a data frame and the name of a column to filter on as a string. Inside this function, you want to use dplyr to filter rows based on this column. Using sym and !! together allows your function to work with the column name specified as a string argument.

This approach is powerful for writing general-purpose data manipulation functions where the specific columns to operate on are not known in advance but are passed to the function as parameters.

In summary, !!sym(ssn_column) dynamically refers to a column in a data frame, where the name of the column is stored in the ssn_column variable. This technique is particularly useful for writing tidyverse-friendly functions that need to operate on columns specified at runtime.

JunjieLeiCoe commented 3 months ago

Certainly! Let's dive into a more detailed example using the := operator for dynamic assignment within a dplyr pipeline, especially useful for programmatically naming and mutating columns in a dataframe.


Imagine you're working with a dataset of sales data, and you want to write a function that dynamically calculates the total sales amount by multiplying the number of units sold (UnitsSold) by the unit price (UnitPrice). The catch is that both the name of the new column to store the total sales and the names of the columns to use in the calculation are provided as strings at runtime.

Here's how you can accomplish this using := for dynamic assignment:

Sample Data

First, let's create a sample dataframe:


# Sample dataframe
sales_data <- tibble(
  ProductID = c(1, 2, 3),
  UnitsSold = c(10, 15, 20),
  UnitPrice = c(2.50, 5.00, 7.50)

Function Definition

Next, define a function that takes the dataframe and column names as arguments and adds a new column with the calculated total sales:

calculate_total_sales <- function(data, units_column, price_column, new_column_name) {
  # Using dynamic column names and assignment with `:=`
  data <- data %>%
    mutate(!!new_column_name := !!sym(units_column) * !!sym(price_column))



Now, use this function to calculate the total sales and store it in a new column called "TotalSales":

# Calculate total sales
updated_sales_data <- calculate_total_sales(sales_data, "UnitsSold", "UnitPrice", "TotalSales")

# View the updated dataframe

Expected Output

This will produce an output where each product's total sales amount is calculated and stored in the new TotalSales column:

# A tibble: 3 x 4
  ProductID UnitsSold UnitPrice TotalSales
       <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>      <dbl>
1          1        10       2.5       25.0
2          2        15       5.0       75.0
3          3        20       7.5      150.0


This example illustrates the power and flexibility of dplyr's tidy evaluation system, allowing for dynamic data manipulation that adapts to varying column names and requirements.