would it be worth including some text in the examples noting how to re-generate the documents? For example, something like this in the end of examples/julia_latex.texw
using Weave
weave(Pkg.dir("Weave","examples","julia_latex.texw"), doctype="tex")
The .tex file will be found in the examples folder, from where you can
compile it to a PDF.
Also, with the auto-generated files, such as julia_latex.tex would it be worth adding a comment at the top of the file to note that the file should not be edited directly, but to point back to the .texw file? e.g. something like
%% This file has been automatically generated from julia_latex.texw
so that people don't mistakenly edit the .tex file later.
There is now an improved getting started in the latest version of docs, I will keep the issue open to remind me to add the comment to tex files at some point.
would it be worth including some text in the examples noting how to re-generate the documents? For example, something like this in the end of
Also, with the auto-generated files, such as
would it be worth adding a comment at the top of the file to note that the file should not be edited directly, but to point back to the .texw file? e.g. something likeso that people don't mistakenly edit the .tex file later.