JunoLab / atom-ink

IDE toolkit for Atom
MIT License
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Installing “ink@0.11.8” failed #246

Closed Ronneesley closed 4 years ago

Ronneesley commented 4 years ago

I had a problem installing ink in Atom.

> ink@0.11.8 postinstall /tmp/apm-install-dir-120023-29995-1wqsxk.m5zn9/node_modules/ink
> node scripts/postinstall.js

Aborted (core dumped)
npm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/tmp/apm-install-dir-120023-29995-1wqsxk.m5zn9/package.json'
npm WARN apm-install-dir-120023-29995-1wqsxk.m5zn9 No description
npm WARN apm-install-dir-120023-29995-1wqsxk.m5zn9 No repository field.
npm WARN apm-install-dir-120023-29995-1wqsxk.m5zn9 No README data
npm WARN apm-install-dir-120023-29995-1wqsxk.m5zn9 No license field.

npm ERR! errno 134
npm ERR! ink@0.11.8 postinstall: `node scripts/postinstall.js`
npm ERR! Exit status 134
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! Failed at the ink@0.11.8 postinstall script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     /home/ronneesley/.atom/.apm/_logs/2020-01-23T17_13_43_598Z-debug.log

The log's tail were:

2198 verbose pkgid ink@0.11.8
2199 verbose cwd /tmp/apm-install-dir-120023-29995-1wqsxk.m5zn9
2200 verbose Linux 5.3.0-26-generic
2201 verbose argv "/usr/share/atom-beta/resources/app/apm/bin/node" "/usr/share/atom-beta/resources/app/apm/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js" "--globalconfig" "/home/ronneesley/.atom/.apm/.apmrc" "--userconfig" "/home/ronneesley/.atom/.apmrc" "install" "https://www.atom.io/api/packages/ink/versions/0.11.8/tarball" "--target=4.2.7" "--disturl=https://atom.io/download/electron" "--arch=x64" "--global-style"
2202 verbose node v10.2.1
2203 verbose npm  v6.2.0
2204 error code ELIFECYCLE
2205 error errno 134
2206 error ink@0.11.8 postinstall: `node scripts/postinstall.js`
2206 error Exit status 134
2207 error Failed at the ink@0.11.8 postinstall script.
2207 error This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
2208 verbose exit [ 134, true ]
joergbuchwald commented 4 years ago

I had the same problem with the current version. I tried to install it on two different debian (testing) machines. However, deinstalling npm and all node related packages did work for me. :)

pfitzseb commented 4 years ago

Using apx probably is a less intrusive solution (if it works, that is).