JunoLab / atom-julia-client

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Ctrl+Backspace not working in terminal #429

Open marius311 opened 6 years ago

marius311 commented 6 years ago

I have the following in my .inputrc which allows Ctrl+Del/Backspace to delete words forward/backward, and Ctrl+Left/Right to move words in the terminal.

"\C-H": backward-kill-word
"\e[3;5~": kill-word
"\e[1;5C": forward-word
"\e[1;5D": backward-word

This works in e.g. Gnome Terminal. All of these work in the Juno terminal as well except Ctrl+Backspace which just does what Backspace would do without the Ctrl (ie delete a single character backwards).

Two things that maybe helpful 1) if I hit Ctrl+Backspace in the Juno terminal, the keybinding resolver just tells me ctrl with nothing else and 2) in a text editor Ctrl+Backspace is resolved by core:linux.cson to editor:delete-to-beginning-of-word.


PS The terminal is incredible btw! You guys have definitely created best Atom terminal I've seen. Have you thought about splitting it into its own package?

pfitzseb commented 6 years ago

I assume you tried that in the default Julia REPL, right? Does it work in the terminal you get with Julia Client: New Terminal? I'm asking since we're doing some minimal input preprocessing in the Julia REPL to allow some standard shortcuts to just work.

PS The terminal is incredible btw! You guys have definitely created best Atom terminal I've seen. Have you thought about splitting it into its own package?

Glad you like it! :) We did think about it, but it would've taken more time time than I have on my hands right now. Definitely not off the table though.

marius311 commented 6 years ago

I assume you tried that in the default Julia REPL, right? Does it work in the terminal you get with Julia Client: New Terminal?

Actually I was talking exclusively about "Julia Client: New Terminal", which I'm calling the "terminal" above.

Just tried the Julia Client REPL too and there neither Ctrl+Del or Backspace work (Ctrl+Del gives me ~). However, there, that's the exact same behavior as running the Julia REPL from Gnome-Terminal so maybe that's not surprising.

pfitzseb commented 6 years ago

With the latest version of xterm.js (which we use since https://github.com/JunoLab/atom-ink/commit/909fd8079bfd44be1af6a067807286f5f35486be) Alt-Backspace works fine for deleting the last word. The changes might also allow for Ctrl-Backspace to work, but I didn't try that yet.

marius311 commented 6 years ago

Fyi Ctrl+Backspace still doesn't work for me with Atom 1.25.1, julia-client 0.6.12, and ink 0.8.4.