JunoLab / atom-julia-client

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rotate step-in/-out buttons #686

Closed pfitzseb closed 4 years ago

pfitzseb commented 4 years ago


ssfrr commented 4 years ago

I'm really tweaking the shade of the bikeshed here, but would it be possible to tilt them so they're facing to the right? so "step-into" is down-right, and "step-out-of" is up-right?

pfitzseb commented 4 years ago

Shouldn't step out point to the upper left then?

ssfrr commented 4 years ago

My mental model is that time goes left-to-right. And time marches inexorably onwards. More specifically, when you step-out of a function you don't end up returning to where you came from, you've progressed later into the upper stack frame

DNF2 commented 4 years ago

Hmm. I'm always thinking, 'down' is the next line of code, so the arrow of time is downwards.

But there's probably no good way to conform to everyones mental model. The way people visualize time, for example, varies a lot. Some see the year moving 'circularly counter clockwise', some clockwise, some along a square perimeter, some like a three-dimensional askew torus, etc. etc. And some are really weird.

ssfrr commented 4 years ago

Sure that's fair. I'm happy with whatever outcome.

Also @jkrumbiegel mentioned he might take a crack at something as well.

aviatesk commented 4 years ago

I'm afraid but I would like to tell my understanding -- at first "down" to step out and "up" to step into looked very weird to me, but then I could convince myself that they make sense in terms of they are very consistent with how a callstack and workspace view appear. So for now, at least to me, making them vertical while keeping them "down" to step out and "up" to step into might be best. Well, I really agree with that not everyone will respect consistency with other features here ...

jkrumbiegel commented 4 years ago

I posted this in the slack channel as well, could be another idea:

The blue line shows the "until selected line" concept a bit better maybe, and for me the step in and out versions are a bit more intuitive.

ssfrr commented 4 years ago

Lovely - Do you think it would be good to shorten the arrow on the "until selected line" icon so it stops at the line? Might be visually more noisy so maybe not a good idea.

jkrumbiegel commented 4 years ago

I thought the same, but then again that might be taken to mean that the other arrow goes over multiple lines, although it's just supposed to evoke "down" and "lines"

jkrumbiegel commented 4 years ago

yeah I don't like this so much grafik

jkrumbiegel commented 4 years ago

how about this instead?

ssfrr commented 4 years ago


pfitzseb commented 4 years ago

Closing in favor of https://github.com/JunoLab/atom-julia-client/pull/693.