Having installed and reinstalled,... and reinstalled, both atom and uber-juno, on fedora 28,
I keep getting the following error message when I attempt to run Julia on "hello world":
Starting Julia...
ERROR: LoadError: ArgumentError: Module Atom not found in current path.
Run Pkg.add("Atom") to install the Atom package.
while loading /home/simon/.atom/packages/julia-client/script/boot_repl.jl, in expression starting on line 21
Having installed and reinstalled,... and reinstalled, both atom and uber-juno, on fedora 28, I keep getting the following error message when I attempt to run Julia on "hello world":
Starting Julia... ERROR: LoadError: ArgumentError: Module Atom not found in current path. Run
to install the Atom package. while loading /home/simon/.atom/packages/julia-client/script/boot_repl.jl, in expression starting on line 21After searching the web I found a similar problem dating back several years: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39419502/cannot-start-julia-in-atom-loaderror-argumenterror-juno-not-found-in-path
I would be very grateful for any advice
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