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Add Discord iFrame for Self Hosted #331

Open GL513 opened 2 years ago

GL513 commented 2 years ago


This would be particularly helpful for people who want to have a quick view of the server without joining, and optionally, have guest access, and you can also login directly to the iFrame GL513_22-08-23_11:53:46 GL513_22-08-23_11:54:08

GL513_22-08-23_11:45:40 GL513_22-08-23_11:45:59

gerbrent commented 2 years ago

nice suggestion!

reesericci commented 2 years ago

https://discord.com/blog/add-the-discord-widget-to-your-site Discord has a first-party widget

gerbrent commented 2 years ago

One question might be: Where would this be embedded?

/show/ssh ? /community/discord ? <-- likely here...

and, also: is this functionality that we are thinking of integrating simply because it's possible, or because there's an actual need? I question whether folks would come to the website to login to their Discord, as opposed to more standard native app methods..

gerbrent commented 2 years ago

particularly helpful for people who want to have a quick view of the server without joining

answers part of it!