JupiterOne-Archives / graph-tenable-io

A graph conversion tool for https://www.tenable.com/products/tenable-io
Mozilla Public License 2.0
2 stars 7 forks source link

Release 8.0.0 #128

Closed ndowmon closed 3 years ago

ndowmon commented 3 years ago

## [8.0.0] - 2021-09-09

### Added

- Added support for ingesting the following **new** entities:

  | Resources | Entity `_type`  | Entity `_class` |
  | --------- | --------------- | --------------- |
  | Asset     | `tenable_asset` | `HostAgent`     |

- Added support for ingesting the following **new** relationships:

  | Source            | \_class | Target                          |
  | ----------------- | ------- | ------------------------------- |
  | `tenable_account` | **HAS** | `tenable_asset`                 |
  | `tenable_asset`   | **HAS** | `tenable_vulnerability_finding` |

- Added support for ingesting the following **new** mapped relationships:

  | Source                          | \_class | Target                          |
  | ------------------------------- | ------- | ------------------------------- |
  | `tenable_asset`                 | **IS**  | `<host>`                        |
  | `<host>`                        | **HAS** | `tenable_vulnerability_finding` |
  | `tenable_vulnerability_finding` | **IS**  | `<cve>`                         |

### Changed

- Upgraded `@jupiterone/integration-sdk-*@6.18.0`

### Remvoved

- Removed support for ingesting the following entities:

  | Resources     | Entity `_type`          | Entity `_class`         |
  | ------------- | ----------------------- | ----------------------- |
  | Scan          | `tenable_scan`          | `Assessment`, `Service` |
  | Vulnerability | `tenable_vulnerability` | `Vulnerability`         |

- Removed support for ingesting the following relationships:

  | Source                          | \_class        | Target                          |
  | ------------------------------- | -------------- | ------------------------------- |
  | `tenable_scan`                  | **IDENTIFIED** | `tenable_vulnerability_finding` |
  | `tenable_scan`                  | **IDENTIFIED** | `tenable_vulnerability`         |
  | `tenable_scan`                  | **SCANS**      | `<host>`                        |
  | `tenable_user`                  | **OWNS**       | `tenable_scan`                  |
  | `tenable_vulnerability_finding` | **IS**         | `vulnerability`                 |

- Removed support for ingesting the following mapped relationships:

  | Source         | \_class   | Target   |
  | -------------- | --------- | -------- |
  | `tenable_scan` | **SCANS** | `<host>` |