Just-Fans-Of / Impromp2

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Duplicated issue (issue #1) #12

Closed adamnk closed 7 years ago

adamnk commented 7 years ago

Is there a way i can tell the bot what server groups is allowed/not allowed, to join the temporary channel?

NumbuhFour commented 7 years ago

Not currently, we're working on that with issue #1

adamnk commented 7 years ago

ohh.. sorry for duplicated issue!

NumbuhFour commented 7 years ago

That's alright dude, it should be implemented now. Config has a new property called tempChannelPermissions which will let you set the permissions of the created channels.

To do this, create a dummy voice channel, set all the roles/member permissions on it that you want your temporary channels to have, then do /config set tempchannelpermissions YourDummyChannelsName and it will copy the permissions on that channel and use them for any future created channels. Then you delete that dummy channel.

Hope that helps.