Just-Moh-it / HotinGo

A 🐬 MySQL + 🐍 Python's Tkinter-based 🏖 Hotel Management System with a 😍 beautiful user interface.
MIT License
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About forget password and signup support #3

Closed Just-Moh-it closed 2 years ago

Just-Moh-it commented 2 years ago

We're not going to add signup and forget-password support to the app anytime soon, and the next section explains why


After careful evaluation, our team has decided to not include the feature in the app, since HotinGo is supposed to be an admin-level management system, and giving direct access to signup and take destructive actions inside the application is never going to be secure, and since the function is not going to be used more than 1-2 times in the entire application's lifecycle, why bother risking security for pure aesthetics. So, the feature would be only available through direct MySQL database updates.

Just-Moh-it commented 2 years ago

That's the current state, and this closes the issue