Just-Natsuki-Team / NatsukiModDev

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[ FEATURE REQUEST ] - Long hair natsuki,on-command clothes option,,more talking about another dokis #140

Closed YukoMagic closed 2 years ago

YukoMagic commented 2 years ago

Overview: long hair for nat,can ask nat to change clothes and more talk about the dokis.

[brief description of what this aims to achieve]

Must haves: on-command clothes option

Could haves: long hair, more talk about the dokis

Is this feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

[just a request.]

Blizzardsev commented 2 years ago


Thanks for your interest in our mod; we always appreciate new ideas.

However, can I please ask that each suggestion be logged separately? As a rule of thumb, if one idea isn't reasonably related to another, it's considered a separate issue/suggestion.

This is so we can more easily keep track of separate ideas and so that if one particular idea doesn't fit with our vision, we can close the issue off without killing the other ideas in the issue.

Going back to the ideas you've suggested:
