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[ FEATURE REQUEST ] - Talking about Poems. #532

Open VeteranRicsiTD16 opened 1 year ago

VeteranRicsiTD16 commented 1 year ago


Hello there! I'm a huge fan and I love this mod so much, and I was thinking that this is something that could be brought up by Natsuki and one by the player by this request. So I was thinking if Natsuki brought all her poems to the player, and anytime at "Talk" the player could ask Natsuki to talk about a poem, like how it was made, what inspired, what reason, etc. I got this idea from playing "Forever and Ever" I know, but it seems like a nice idea. Her poems are cute, dummy.

Must haves:

I think it should have all her poems she ever wrote, to have her talk about them, even if they are from DDLC Plus. Also tell the player for what poem they ask, that Natsuki will answer, explain why and how she wrote it.

Could haves:

Change how Natsuki talks about her poems based on Affinity.

Is this feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

No, this isn't related to a problem, but I would love this feature! It was inspired by "Forever and Ever" though, but I'd love to see this in Natsuki's case. Her poems are different and cuter.

RaionArt commented 1 year ago

Hello @AmartaniGitHub and thank you for raising an issue with us!

With the event poems introduced in the last update, we also planned to add Natsuki's poems from the vanilla game and maybe even DDLC+. Analyzing Natsuki's motives behind her writings is quite a challenge, nonetheless it's a nice idea to have her actually discussing them rather than just having them there and I can see us might doing this, when we have the time to spare!

VeteranRicsiTD16 commented 1 year ago

Hello @RaionArt! Thank you very much! Also poems were in the last update? I didn't come across them, is there any way to unlock them? Well, anyway, thank you very much, and I'm sorry if I gave you a challenging idea, but it seems like something... unique. Thank you very much!

Obsidian-Knife commented 1 year ago

At the moment, poems are unlocked on special occasions, on a holiday for example. As Raion has mentioned, adding poems from base DDLC is on our radar. In the future, we're aiming to have an informant poetry section on our wiki and/or faq.

Also you're right, as a fellow poetry enthusiast, it is enjoyable to discuss them!

VeteranRicsiTD16 commented 1 year ago

They are? I haven't seen them yet. Anyway, thank you very much again!

Blizzardsev commented 1 year ago

Adding to this: the wiki has now been updated to include the list of unlockable poems: you can find this information here.

VeteranRicsiTD16 commented 1 year ago

Thank you! All of you! I appreaciate it! <3