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[ FEATURE REQUEST ] - More to “I love you” option #608

Open IdkuXD opened 1 year ago

IdkuXD commented 1 year ago


Overview: For the main option of I love you, Natsuki!to change to I love you too after certain pieces of dialogue which include Natsuki telling the player near the end of her dialogue "I love you”.

Example: An example of this would be her dialogue of her DDLC Memories. Near the end of the dialogue with the player, she mentions “I love you”, after the dialogue, the option to tell her I love you, Natsuki! would then change as “I love you too.”.

Blizzardsev commented 1 year ago

This is doable, but would require some consideration in the approach. For example, there's quite a lot of instances where Nat will round off a topic at high affinity by saying she loves the player in a teasing manner; in those situations it'd be a little odd to have the player respond in a heartfelt way.

Either way, we'll keep it in mind, but it wouldn't be a particularly high priority item right now.